Out of here

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~~~~alphas POV~~~~

I'm in my office doing paperwork when I get a mind link from my son that he's coming with the feline leader when there's a knock at my door
"Enter" I say not looking up and as the door opens I am hit with the smell of a male feline
"Sir some of my worriers have seen your daughter at feline cliffs she was with Frea can you tell me why" the fluffy cat asks as he jumps on my desk
"You must be mistaken Leona is not aloud outside of our territory" I say looking at him
"We're is Frea small black short hair white stripe on her face" he asks
" I believe your kit wondered onto my pack territory and she is the mate if one of my pack she mustn't leave" I explain
"What a feline with a wolf" he questions "we can use this actually" he exclaims
"What do mean use this" I ask unsure
"My well Frea... Is quite cunning, and she has an older brother Drakz, who is also very cunning... They can be mates and have perfect hybrids" he grins "what do you say I send my boy over"
"This sounds good to me" I reply smirking
"I'll go back get my boy and send him over I suggest you brake you news to your daughter" he suggests jumping off of my desk
" I'll be waiting " I say before mind linking my daughter

~~~~Leona POV~~~~

I get a mind link from my father and walk over to his office since it seemed important "hi father" I say walking in not knocking
"Leona I have big news for you" he says gleefully
"What is it?" I ask confused
"You will be mating with the most cunning feline from the Benlo clan" he says and my heart sinks
"But dad!" I wimpier but know not to protest so I just run out crying I don't stop till i get to the tree line but it was only to shift once I was shifted I ran and ran until I collapsed then I howled in pain and cried  until I saw Frea and another black cat run towards me
"Are you okay" the black cat asks
I realize he's my mate and howl in pain again in till he nudged me I stopped howling but couldn't stop the wipers as I looked at my mate
"Froland" Frea calls from behind me
"Frea" he responds as fray runs to my side
"Leo are you okay" Frea asks looking at me
I wimpier again and put my muzzle by her ear "mate" was all I said making sure she could only hear
"You mean froland my twin brother" she asks and I nod
"Froland this is Leona or Leo as I call her and Leo this is Froland"
"N-nice to meet y-you" I stutter
And he smiles at me
I look at Frea " Frea this isn't good my father is making me mate with your oldest brother " I say under my breath
"Drakz..." She says "that's not good at all he'll try and kill you " she added
I wimpier again and hide my face with my paws
Barix growls in to mind link and I sigh
Frolands ears go back as he prepares for something attack
"Fray he doesn't know your gone dose he?" I ask looking at her
I laugh quietly and shake my head  "I'll tell him your with me" I say looking at her
"Froland this is your mate Leona... Word of advice don't fear they can smell fear" Frea says and froland looks at me nods
I wimpier " it doesn't matter now I'm being forced to mate with your older brother remember " and I sigh
"Leo you've been sneaking out of your territory for three moons for as long as I know have you ever though of sneaking out at night to see froland like a secret mate" she suggests
"I don't think you understand the mateing proses" I say sadly
"If it means anything... I believe we belong together" froland speaks up
"That's because we where that's why the moon goddess put us here" I say looking to him
"I have one stupid idea" Frea sighs
I look to her a cock my head "what is it?"
"We run. We run and we don't look back" she suggests
"I mean that's an option but we would half to convince our mates to come along" I say looking at froland
"Froland is loyal he will always fallow us but I may be able to convince Barix" she says
"I've mind linked him he's on his was" I say looking towards the forest
"We must hurry though time and our families arnt on our side" Frea says stiffing up
"Yes you are right but we can't leave yet what are we going to do about the hole human form thing we could hide in a human town" I suggest as Barix runs out of the woods in wolf form
"Who's the kit" he asks looking at froland
"Barix he's my twin brother I don't think we wants to be called a kit" Frea sighs
"And he's m-my mate" I say quietly
And froland nods sitting next to me
Barix just nods in response
"Barix....Leo is going to be forced to mate with my older brother when froland is her true mate we've agreed that we should run away but we need you to come with us... Please" Frea explains looking at him
"Of corse" Barix says walking away and behind a tree coming out with cloth in his mouth
"It's settled then I know there is uncharted territory past the river if we make it across now we have time to run" Frea explains
A low hiss was herd as a large gray Taby came from behind us "what are you doing here you pests" the Taby hisses at Frea and froland
"Who do you think you are" I growl and stand so I'm over them
"We half to run now... It's drakz" Frea pleaded
My heart sunk and I wimped before I realized that everyone else was already running away so I shook my hear and followed
"Leo the cliff side should throw him off" Frea called
" you forgot Barix and I aren't as good at sharp turns and sudden stops" I call back as I catch up to them
"if we turn now we can make a wide turn to the cliff and jump across the leagues" Frea shouts
"Alright let's do this" I say "can you and froland make the jump" I questioned
"Ah... I don't know but there's no problem in not trying" Frea replays
I sigh "we can't risk it" I say grabbing froland and Barix dose the same with Frea
Froland starts to panic like a kit flailing around like a kit
"Froland don't do that just calm down" Frea shouts
"Why!?" He questions
"Because you going to get us killed" Frea hisses making froland curl up in a ball
" here he go" I say before I jump landing with my back paws off the ledge dropping froland before Frea in her human form helps me up befor shifting
"Thank you" I say before nuzzling her
"That's the second time I had to save your ass from a cliff" Frea jokes
" sorry it was a farther jump then I thought" I say laughing
Barix stairs at Frea without even realizing it in till I pounce on him to stop it
"So how long have you been with Wolves" froland asks Frea
"About a day now" she shrugs
"She jumped in the river to get into my territory" I say with a giggle
"Yeah and I almost threw you off a cliff" Frea laughs
"But hey that's what friends are for" I laugh
" well we should continue on drakz is probably finding a way to get to us" froland says
"Your right the human town is about a day and a half run I wolf form" Barix says looking into the forest
" oh so the male wolf talks" froland says "well listen here pal Frea is my new twin sister so you better treat her well or I'll kill ya" froland adds trying to act tough
"Oh god" Barix says as he raises his paw to clamp down on froland but before he dose I pin him to the ground
"What the hell do you think your doing" I growl "your like ten times his size if you do that you will smash him and there will we kitty parts all over!" I add snarling
"That's offensive it us you guys act like no matter what you guys are stronger and better then feline" froland says angrily
"Froland don't" Frea sigh
"No Frea they act like they own the place when they don't" froland retaliates
I feel a heavy wait on my chest knowing that my mate is mad at me and I wimpier backing up
Froland frowns and his eyes widen "no I'm not mad at you" he says "it's lunkus that's pissing me off" he adds licking my muzzle
I look at the small cat "so your not mad that I stopped him?" I say whimpering ping
"Oh god no he would of squished me it's more or less of how lunkus here only judges on animal size" he reassures
I laugh "well when that's the way you were razed to think its kinda hard to changed it you should of Heard Frea and myself when we first met"
"Yeah you completely made fun of me and for that I almost let you fall to the river" Frea says laughing
"Come on i thought we were over that" I laugh

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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