Unexpected friendship

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We sat and and talked for hours
" won't you clan be worried that your gone" she asks looking at me
"Yep there probably looking for me right know" I say and laugh "what about you" I ask
"I've spent countless nights out here and no one noticed" she answers
"That's just not right I wish you didn't stink so bad then I could sneak you into you pack" I say putting my paws over my nose
"Look who's talking dog breath" she replays
"Hey that was just mean you know that's not what I meant " I say pushing you lightly
"There's lots of ways you could change my cent some okay but don't last long some not okay but last for moons" she says
" what about you black cat ears and tail" I say looking at her
"I can easily hide my ears with my hair and my  tail can be bushy like a wolfs" she says
"Hey if your up to it I am" I say getting up and looking towards the water
"I have an idea that I want to try first and we can make the disguise one last effort if I throw myself into the water witch I am a good swimmer for a cat I can be saved by you at the lake but I can appear to week to be moved so they have to help me" she suggested
"I mean unless you are one of the males mate they my just wanna play with you a bit" I say nervously
"And the chance of me being a mate to a wolf is quite slim" she replays
"Yea but I am quire strong and being the alphas daughter dose give me ranking" I say
" so I guess I'm throwing myself into the river" she chuckles
I walk over to the river and roll in the shallow part to get your sent off
"Alright here goes nothing she says before jumping in
"I'll meat you there!" I call and start to run to my pack house
I run as fast as I can, faster then I ever had until I reached the pack house and pad over to the lake laying down to wait I till I see her and she washes up one the shore and I run over three males notice and run over
"Get out of our way Luna" one growls
"Why should I" I reply looking him in the eyes
He growls again and pins me as the other to go for Frea
There's a loud growl from behind and they all stop "Don't Touch Mate" I look back and see our strongest fighter and my best friend Barix
I get up and look at him confused
"Wait...you mean Frea" I ask looking at him and he almost melts when he here's her name
"Leo" Frea croaks and falls to the side and I support her with my snout before she falls
"Don't freak out I'm going to pick you up" I say before garb the scruff of her neck in my mouth as Barix growls at me "hush she's hurt I'm taking her to father and telling him she's staying here you should come" I say as I start to walk to the house
"Leo who is he" she asks me quietly
"He's my best friend... And your mate Barix" I say as he appears in human form fully clothed and opens the door for us and Frea smiles weakly at him
We walk to my fathers office and Barix nocks before opening the door not waiting for an answer
"Leo put me down I think I'm fine now" she protests
"No no near father" I say quietly so only you can hear
"Hello father... I found a feline by the lake she's hurt and also Barixs mate" I say looking up at him
He glances at me before replying "put it down I want to see" the says pointing to the edge of his disk
I nod and place her where he pointed before backing away
She raps her tail around herself scared
"Fine if it's Barix mate it can stay" he replays pushing her off the edge of his desk
And she meows as she hits the floor Barix quickly grabs her and the three of us leave heading to my room
We go into my room and I close the door behind us and I stick my head into a drawer grabbing cloths for myself and an old shirt I stole from Barix for Frea. I dropped the shirt in front of them and go to change in my bathroom witch is attached to my room. I come back and she's still in feline form
"Come on Frea I don't have anything else you can were at the moment" I say looking at her with my hand on my hips
"I can't carry this shirt as a cat can I have never really changed in front of any one before can I use you washroom?" She asks and Barix growls
"Of corse you can" I say glaring at Barix before I pic up the shirt and put it into the bathroom
She comes out and the shirt is like a dress on her down to her lower thighs
I elbow Barix and walk over to my bed sitting on it
"Sorry about my dad. That's just sorta him" I say looking down at the ground
"Trust me flooring is much softer then rocks my brother pushed me this morning" she says sitting next to me
And Barix growls again
"Hush big guy" I say laughing
And Frea turns to him "thanks for saving us either" she smiles
"Us?" I question " if it was just me he would of just joined in" I laugh again
"Well still he didn't half to but he did he saved a feline witch you don't see vary often" she says smiling
I scoff " Kay this is just gross" I say jokingly
"Don't worry wolf you'll find your mate someday" she say grinning as she turns to me
"Shut is fur ball" I snap and push you playfully
Frea gets up and walks over to Barix reaching out to his face
Barixs wolf takes over and he pulls her closer kissing her. Frea seems confused
"Hey Barix if your going to mate her don't do it in my room" I say covering my eyes and he growls at me bringing Frea closer
"I-I-I..." Frea stutters
"Stop" I say more sternly but he just tightens his grip on her
She looks around frantically
"Frea you need to tell him to stop his wolf won't listen to me" I say looking at her apologetically
"Barix is getting hard to breath" she says and he instantly releases all pressure but doesn't unwrap his arms from around her "thank you" she says out of breath
"...I think his wolf needs to know your not rejecting him" I say trying to figure out why he won't let go
"Barix I'm not rejecting you its just I'm a feline I don't understand much of wolf behaviour" she says cautiously
"Don't worry he won't do anything to you his wolf won't let him" I say looking at the ground
She cups his face with her hands and looks I'm on the eyes "Barix please understand me" she bags he whimpers as his eyes turn back to there normal colour and Frea kisses his forehead before yawning "looks like this whole day has tyres me out" she says "is there any place I can sleep" she adds
Barix quickly answers "with me"
"Or in here or one of the spare bedrooms" I say as he growls at me for even suggesting that his mate wouldn't want to sleep with him
"No dens, mossy bedding, dark caves? She asks
" well no wolf shifter sleep in houses on beds" I say looking at her
"luxurious" she says
" I guess for a fur ball" i say giggling
"I truly only needs a blanket and I'll be good for the night" she says  looking at me
"No your sleeping with me" Barix growls  and I sigh
"Well I sleep in feline form..."
"That doesn't matter" Barix says "your still sleeping in my bed" he adds
"O-okay" she stuffers nervously and she shifts
Barix walks over scoops her up and leaves without another word

~~~~Barix POV~~~~

I leave Lunas room with my mate in my hand fighting with my wolf so he doesn't take control again knowing that he scares Frea
I feel her moving and unrap her from the shirt "you okay?" He asks looking at the small kitten in his hand
But she says nothing so i sighs and continues to his room I close the door behind us "so this is my...our room" I say placing her on my bed
"It's nice" she replays " my room is just a hole in a cave wall with a thin layer of moss for bedding" she says
"Well now you've got a big comfy bed" I say smiling
And she starts to hop around before kneading a corner of the bed and laying down
I take off my shirt and turn off the light before going to sleep ecstatic that I found my mate

Haii guys check out the other parts at teelblueheart
Baii cookies

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