Dont Let Me Go

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"And for homework,I'd like everyone to write an essay type piece about your family"Mrs Wills added,and a large groan echoed through the class.A lump formed in my throat,and I felt myself turn hot.

An essay about our families?Did I hear right?

"Now,class dismissed"

Stuffing everything into my bag,I hurtled out of class,wanting to get out of this hellhole.Quickly turning the corner,I went flying,my bag landing with a large thump.

"Oh,er,sorry"Someone muttered,scooping my bag up and holding out his other for me.Reluctantly taking it,I jumped up,and I could feel my face burning.

"Thanks"I whimpered,rubbing my elbow,which I had landed on.Great,another bruise.

"Sorry about that,are you ok?"They smiled at me,and I immediately recognised who it was.Harry Styles,preferably the best looking boy in the year,and the most popular for that matter.His green eyes sparkled in the sunlight,and his dimples made his smile stand out more.

"Yeah,look I better-"I weakly smiled back,my stomach fluttering.

"I better go,see you around"He finished,my sentence,minus the 'see you around' bit though.He walked off,leaving me flustered in the middle of the corridor.Swinging my bag over my shoulder,I dodged everyone,finally making it to the front of the school.Stepping outside,the heat of the sun began to bake my arms and legs,the warmth comforting me.

'Write and essay type piece about your families'

The sentence just kept on running around in my mind,the scene playing over and over again.Shaking it from my mind,I exited the gates,turning to the walk 'home'.


I can't call it 'home'.

Because it's not my 'home'.

My home is different,somewhere I don't know.

Why don't I know where my home is?

Because I live in a care home.

Yeah,I have no proper family.

Do you see why this homework had such a big impact on me?

I don't have a proper family.

And everyone thinks I do.

Just proves that lying gets you nowhere.

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