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I need sleep, I haven't had that much sleep for awhile now. But, why do I force myself to stay awake till the sun rises? Why can't I just turn off my phone? Why can't I just turn off my computer? Why is it so hard to stop what I'm doing and go to sleep?! I know I should be asleep right now, I can feel the tiredness trying to pull my eyes shut, but I force them to stay open because I must read this last post. My head is pounding, I should probably sleep now, but wait, the man in the corner of my eye won't go, maybe I should just read one more post and see if he's gone.

I read a few more post and look at the time, 4:30 am. I've been up for days now. The man is closer, I can now make out his face, he's grinning, his teeth or... What's left of them are sharp and yellow. His skin is dirty and has dried something here and there, his hair, pitch black is greasy and is sticking to his scalp. His nose is slightly gone and I can't see his eyes. I look back at my screen, no longer able to make out much of the words, but I keep scrolling.

The man, the man, the man! He's started to talk, his words, my god his words! I can't block them out! I've tried everything! To stuffing cotton in my ears to removing my ear drums! All I can hear is his voice. He's gotten closer too! He's behind me now, I can smell his breath. It makes me want to vomit. I still haven't gotten much sleep, if any. How long have i been awake? Minutes? Hours? Days?! I don't know! I've cover up my windows and destroyed all of the electronics I have. I now sit in the corner of my room, surrounded by papers and writing. I just want him to stop speaking! His voice is horrible and the things he's says! There lies! They have to be lies! There's no way that I could of done that! No fucking way!

The house has gotten a bad smell to it, I really don't know why though. I asked my mom if she knew where it was coming from, but she just stared at me, it was the same for my dad and siblings too. It's kind of weird how they just sit in front of the broken TV. But they seem to enjoy it, so I don't question it. I've made friends with a strange man a bit ago, he really needs to take a bath in my opinion. But anyways, today he says that he has a really fun game that he wants to me to play with him! It's called "Who can hang the longest" he says he's never lost a game, but I think I can beat him! Oh, there he is now! I'm going to go now to play with him. Bye!

Note: I have no idea what happen here, It was supposed to be a heart touching thing and then it tuned into this... Now you will get a glimpse of how my brain really works! You have no idea how heard it is for me to not write something dark.

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