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today luke was going to spend the whole day at calum's house.

he hadn't really hung out with him outside of school, and he kind of missed all the pizza parties and movie nights they had.

he rushed down the stairs, and sprinted to the front door, but as soon as he opened it, his eyes landed on a familiar looking car parked outside.

and that car belonged to the one and only, ashton irwin.

he harshly slammed the door, and marched into the kitchen, ready to question his mum.

"mum, please explain why ashton's car is parked outside our house?" luke asked, trying to sound as relaxed as possible.

"we asked if ash could accompany you to cal's." liz replied, in the calmest tone known to man.

"and why would you do that?"

"because, that way he could hang out with you and calum, and you could get to know him better."

luke took a deep breath, and aggressively let it back out.

"mum, i already know ashton way too well, i really don't need to 'get to know him better'."

liz stopped cutting up her vegetables, and slowly placed the knife down on the chopping board.

"luke, honey, you're wasting time. just go already."

luke shook his head, crossing his arms. "no way, i refuse to ride in the same car as him."

"luke robert hemmings, you are getting in that car, and hanging out with ashton and calum, or so help me."

luke could hear the anger in liz's voice, and quickly nodded in agreement, no second guessing.

"yes ma'am, of course ma'am." he rushed out, and rapidly dashed out of the house.

he trudged to the car, opening the door, and slamming it forcefully once he was sat in the passenger seat.

with no patience, he put his seat belt on, hearing the click sound, and looked out of the window, refusing to glance over at ashton.

"everything alright there, princess?" ashton's voice asked, soothingly.

"no." luke spat back, still not looking over at the tanned boy.

"why's that? anything that i can help with?" the older boy spoke lowly, placing his hand on luke's thigh, to try and comfort him.

luke felt the heat rush through him again, as it always did whenever ashton touched him. but he pretended he didn't feel it, and wacked his hand off.

"no, you wouldn't be able to help, considering you're the problem."

ashton felt his heart clench a little at luke's words. he knew that luke wasn't exactly fond of him, but that one hurt him a little more than it was supposed to.

"ouch. okay then."

ashton decided to start the engine.

luke obviously wasn't in the mood for his antics, so he might as well get the day over and done with for him.

the blond noticed ashton's sudden change in attitude, and instantly began to feel guilty. he didn't mean to be that harsh to him.

"sorry." he mumbled, looking down at his fingers, as he awkwardly fumbled with them.

ashton glanced at luke for a split second, and huge smile forming on his face.

"it's fine." he replied, and luke flashed a toothy grin at ashton's direction.

the two had a genuine moment, just smiling and staring (in ashton's case, glancing, since he was driving) at each other.

"although, maybe a kiss could make me feel even better." ashton smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"there he goes again."

ashton's laugh echoed around the small car, and for some reason, luke laughed along, eyes still locked on the tanner boy.

and as he looked over at him, he noticed so many things that he had never noticed before.

like, how ashton's eyes lit up, and strangely looked green whenever he laughed.

or that whenever he smiled, his dimples were the most prominent feature, and how they practically framed all the other features on his pretty face.

and normally, he would have shook all these observations off, but today he didn't.

he just sat there in the car, admiring ashton as much as could, until they arrived.


the two had arrived, and luke had done all the introducing, and all the things necessary before the hang out began.

however, throughout the first half, and luke could really think about was calum, and how he would just eye ashton from afar.

and for some random reason, that really irritated luke, and made this sort of knotted feeling arise at the pit of his stomach.

ashton had left to use calum's bathroom really quick, leaving the two best friends alone for a while.

"that is one fine piece of ass." calum said, as soon as ashton was out of sight.
luke rolled his eyes at calum's comment, only humming as a response.

"you think i'd have a chance?"

luke's eyes practically popped out of their sockets. "no!" he yelled, as soon as calum asked the question.

the maori boy looked luke up and down, a look of pure confusion on his face.

"i mean, i don't really think you're his type." luke lied. he felt a little bad for lying to his best friend, but he just didn't want calum to hit on ashton.

not that he was jealous or anything, he just, was looking out for both of them. yeah, that's it.

"oh." calum mumbled, small.

"oh, and maybe you should stop staring, he doesn't like people eyeing him that much."

"oh alright." calum nodded, completely oblivious to all the lies luke was spitting out at him.

right after all that, ashton walked back in, wiping his hands on his jeans, from previously washing them.

"what did i miss?"

"nothing." luke and calum spoke in unison, and so for the rest of the hang out, calum was trying his hardest to not flirt with ashton.

and that made luke very happy.


luke and ashton were sitting in the car once again, driving back home.

"so, i don't like people eyeing me, huh?"

the smaller of the two immediately sat up as soon as the words left ashton's mouth.

"you heard?" he asked, voice showing slight panic.

"yep. i heard everything. seems like little lukey wants me all to himself." ashton teased, booping luke's nose quickly, before putting his attention back on the wheel.

luke wiped the nonexistent mark ashton left on the tip of his nose, all of sudden feeling extremely nervous.

"n - no. it's just that calum finds everyone attractive, so i need to calm him down sometimes." luke lied.

ashton chuckled, lightly, causing luke to eye him in both irritation and bewilderment.


"you're so cute."

luke felt a funny feeling form in his stomach, and tried his best to fend it off by punching ashton on the shoulder, playfully.

"shut up."


i updated yay

the next chapter is a little "raunchy" (as ashton would say) so i might publish that at a later date ;;;;))))

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