chapter three

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It's been a months when she was beaten and starve to death, day bye day she's starting to lose her mind and trusting someone.. she doesn't know why she can't attack them she doesn't know whats helding her back but she only know she's going to lose her subconcious if she see her comrade got hurt..

On night where bandit begin selling them one by one ..
but suddenly in the near of where they camping 5 person walking on them..

"hey! who's there!"bandit 1 all of the bandit walking near of the 5 people..

"look here we got a guest~ *whistle* we got big fish here"bandit said .. the bandit snickering holding their weapon ..

"hey bro! why don't you come here eh?! and don't resist if don't want your face got injured"bandit 2 . they laughed..

"hahahaha!""look there's kid""the fuck with this one hand?! haha!" what the hell? there a woman here? hahaha!" mocker by bandit ..

one of the 5 person walk in front he have a long red hair ..

"are you guys the one who have been abducting woman and children?"red hair man ask.. the bandit stop laught look at him..

"hmm? so what? do you want to join? join in the prison? hahaha!!" bandits laught..

"we have some trash have to take care eh? my dear king what do you think? " a man with long green hair said

"huh?! the you say!!!?"bandit 3 walking toward him but stop with the big hand with scales..

"stop there how ugly can you be and don't get near to our king."white hair man said and messy blonde hair jump in and saying..

"yeah! were here to take the woman and children you abduct!"he said

"huh?! taking a fight on us huh?! how cocky brat you guys are! get them!!"bandit said. all of the bandit begin to attack the 5 men

"*sigh* how noisy"blue hair man said..

"take an easy on them don't kill anyone"order by red man hair.. the four men begin to attack the bandit ..

Miyuki's side ....
'hnngg..' miyuki begin to woke up by the loud voices..

"hey! some group begin to attack us! we need to take the woman and children you guys go and help them!!"some guy shout..

miyuki's eye widen she struggle but the chain keeping her from moving. looking around she see the other cage where being held by the people they abduct but she's on different cage she can't get them help.. she tried to stand up but fail she's on her knees ..

suddenly she heard a loud cluck she see one of the bandits held the boy pulling him out ..

"stop struggling!! were going to take you as an hostage you brat!!"bandit said ..

"stop!! help!!"kid cried "no stop please let go of my son!!" "let him go!!" many woman tried to help the kid but fail miserably bandit slash them to stop..

"noo!!!!!! stopp!!!!" miyuki shout trying to break the chains .. 'no! i can't do anything i want to help him! no!'she shout in her head

"no! i don't wanna! please!"kid said struggling .. "be quiet you brat! want to die!! i kill your mom!!"bandit said the kid can't do anything but struggle he's mind panicking .. the bandit got angry and stab the boy in stomach.. miyuki's eye widen..

"d-don't!!!! don't kill him!!"she shout.. but the boy fall in the ground not moving..

"kyaahh!!!""no!!! my son!!!" they shout.. the bandits tsked him tounge and leaving..

'no.. no. no. he's dead?'she think.. miyuki feel her head aching and her blood boiling .. she glare the bandit full if hatred , and anger .. miyuki break the chains and cage.. she jump where the bandits are..

then land on the back of bandit and breaking the ground with super strength..

"w-what??!!!" "gahh!!!""what the hell is she?"is she one of the intruders?!!" "no!!! she's one of the merchant!!" bandit shout..

miyuki begin to running to them kicking one of them flying agaisn't the bandit..

"n-no!!! monster!! run!!!"a bandit shout.. but got kick by miyuki.. she attack them one by one until none of them are standing..then suddenly someone spoke in behind her..

"are you the who did this?"a man voice ask.. miyuki look behind her see 5 man stand behind her the one who ask her is a man with red hair..

"the hell is this? how can a little girl like her who can do this!"green hair man said..

"be quiet you shuten! king is speaking to her not you!"white man hair scold "yeah your making me deaf you greeny"blue hair man said

"huh!!!? why are you against on me you abi?! and you guren your loud too!!" green man hair shout.. the three of them glare each other the messy blonde hair trying to calm them down..

"ma ma! calm down ok! the girl glaring on us you know"blonde man said..

miyuki was glaring at them.. she run to them and jumping high tried to attack the man with red hair.. but she was stop by shuten and guren..

"ops! we can't let you hurt our king"greeny said "please calm down woman"whitey said.. she jump away from them..

"are you one of the bandits?!"she ask.. they stare at her

"no were here to rescue the woman and child have been abduct are you one of them?"the king said.. she calm down a bit but still on guard..

"yeah i'm one of them .. who are you? i don't believe what your saying.."she said glaring at them.. the king smiled at her

"we really are don't worry you can trust us.. i'm hiryuu and you?"hiryuu said.. she fall her fighting stance and stand up straight..

"i'm miyuki..."she answered..after so many question and answer.. she let them help and after learning that the hiryuu was a king she fainted ..

that where the beginning she meet her savior and a person she can trust.....

--- so sorry because its soooo~~ lame i'm not really good at this but by the way hope you like it~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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