Chapter 1: Awake the day

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I woke up with a large yawn and jumped out of bed. I opened the window and greeted the day along with everything in it. The birds, the sun, even the gardener. I then closed the window and got dressed in my leotard for school. You see, my parents died recently in a car wreck and I had to transfer to this school. I used to live in New York and attend a famous ballet school there, but the authorities gave me a choice of this school or foster homes. I chose this one because I get to dance and meet new people. I grabbed my ballet bag and headed out to the school. It was across town, not that the town was big, but I had to walk over nontheless. It took about fifteen minutes to get there and I was an hour early waking up so I decided to explore. I went to the courtyard and started to look around. I noticed a boy who looked to be about my age standing near a fountain. He seemed to be sitting on it and thinking. So, I decided to go introduce myself. "Um, hi, my name is Etsuko, I'm the new girl here." "Huh." He looked up and seemed to be a bit shocked. "I'm sorry, is something wrong?" "No, I- I just am a bit surprised." "By what." He hesitated. "That your here." "Why are you surprised, you don't even know me?" "It's nothing, really, my name is Fakir by the way." "Hi, so I just got here yesterday and need something to do for the next 45 minutes, any ideas?" He thought for a moment. "There's a really good cafe down that way that serves breakfast." "Thanks, wanna come?" "Sure, I have to get to school after anyway." "Well, then I suggest we get a move on." We walked to the cafe together and talked for a bit. Then we ordered food and ate in the cafe. "So where does your red hair come from?" "My mom, my mom is Irish, but she died recently from a car accident." "Oh, I'm sorry, is that why your here?" "Yeah, it was this or a foster home, but I really enjoy dancing." "That's cool." "Yeah, I miss my parents, but they both were ballet dancers and so when I dance I feel like their still with me." "My dad is a blacksmith." "Your mom?" "Died when I was young." "Aww, I'm sorry." "It's ok, I manage fine with just Muto and I." "Well, enough of this stuff, let's get to school. I want to dance my heart out."

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