I'm Already There-Chapter 4- What's Heaven?

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Haay Guys,

I hope you like the story so far....   =]

This chapter is goin to be a long one.

Please." They both said, dragging the "ease". He is there farther after all, they do have a right to see him. "Of course we can." I replied, How on earth could i say no to that?

"Are we going to see Daddy?" Sarah asked, they both looked at me with pleading eyes. She was only six, she didn't know much about death or loss, considering she had never experienced it. "No sweetie.Daddy's in heaven, but there's a stone with Daddy's name on it, so we can remember him"

 Sarah nodded, as if she completely understood. Damon gazed into my eyes, deep with thought. I could feel what he was going to ask. "So Mommy, What is Heaven?" I carefully but thoroughly thought out my answer. I answered " Heaven is a place where people look after Daddy, Daddy is in the sky right now watching over us" I hoped I said the right words.

"So... Daddy is watching us... right now?" Sarah asked with a mixture of amazement, curiosity, innocents  and naivety. I smiled and nodded. What else could i say? She is only six. Damon eagerly looked up at the sky  and immediately began waving and shouted" Hello Daddy! Were going to see you today! Talk to you later, bye!"

I smiled and chuckled at him, he had the same humour as Joe, although i doubt that he sensed that he was being funny. "Come on you two, let's go and see Daddy." I directed them to the car. I gasped when i saw the car, knowing that my boyfriend died in it. "Mommy, What's wrong?" Sarah asked sheepishly, noticing my expression.

"Nothing babe, let's get in" I responded, they both hesitated at first but soon got in. I opened the car door and inhaled, as soon as i got in i exhaled. Suddenly a rush of emotions came across my body as i felt the steering wheel, it felt like i was gasping for air, which in reality i was. All of a sudden I came back and was aware of my own senses again. That was weird I thought. The journey was long and quite even for my children although it think they were scared at what they saw.  We eventually got there. I parked the car in the cemetery, i shuddered as the car came to a halt. It was time, I needed to do this; accept the fact. That he was, a huge lump came to my throat when i thought of it. Dead.

Okay guys,

please let me know if you like it...

I will look forward to reading some of your comments. =]

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