I'm Already There- Chapter 3- Daddy's Birthday...

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My flashback was interrupted by a small little voice. "Mommy, Mommy. Are you thinking about Daddy again?" Damon (my youngest child) asked. I couldn't bear to look at him, he was a complete replica of Joe. "Yes sweetie. He would have loved to see you now" I replied.

"Hey! What about me?" Another little voice asked, entering the room. 

I chuckled, "And you too Sarah, Daddy would have loved to see both of you now"

Damon came over and sat on my lap, followed by Sarah (who was a copy of me). "Mommy, Why have you been crying?" Damon asked, as he wiped away the remaining tears. He is so like Joe, Joe would have done the same thing I thought to myself. "Well today is... Daddy's Birthday" I answered. I pulled them closer to me, holding them as close as possible. I know how it feels to lose something so precious and i defiantly don't want to lose them. "Can we go visit daddy?" Sarah asked, sounding hopeful; both of them looked at me with pleading eyes. Ever since Joe died i found it so hard to go to the grave, i resent the fact that he was taken away from me, he was only 21. He didn't want to go, he didn't want to leave.  I finally responded "Um... I-I Don't Know"

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