Chapter 1

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I don't know if this is any good but if you want me to continue please do tell me so! COMMENT and if you like it, VOTE!!!


She inched forward knowing that she will remain undetected by the Willow's security camera. Crouching, she made her way to the back door and after a few minutes of inspection, she was sure that the Willow's had their alarm on standby. Looks like she would have to get in the hard way. She eyed her surroundings, tensed her muscles and then leaped into the air barely grasping onto the railing and hauled herself up to the balcony. There, she continued up the drainpipe and onto the roof. Jade crawled forward hoping that no one could see a figure in black on the Willow's roof. Soon, she found an opening in the roof that is there to provide ventilation for the plants they grew in their courtyard. She snaked inside and grabbed the steel railing to swing herself to the nearest open window.

Hah! Bet they wouldn't have thought of anyone breaking into their house through the middle of their roof!

She managed to sail right though their window and landing with a soft thud, she was in!

Jade then made sure that she still had her gloves on and made way to the master bedroom. Once there, she looked around and found the paintings that were placed in a rather odd position. She smirked to herself as she removed the painting and voila! like all the movies, there was a safety deposit box in its place as though waiting for her to empty its contents. Not a moment too soon, after working her magic, the door to the safe swung open.

Jade chuckled to herself. Jackpot! There were rows of jewellery that could drive any girl to a frenzy, from diamond necklaces to sapphire rings and pearl bracelets. With brisk hands, she chucked them into the black knapsack she brought and placed everything back into place when she heard someone curse.

She froze. Knowing that the Willow's were at a black tie event and that the house was supposed to be empty. Without any further hesitation, she slid behind the door and made sure the scarf around her neck concealed her face and less than a minute later, someone stepped in. He too was dressed in black from head to toe but he did not bother to conceal his face. Jade was confused as she knew he wasn't one of the Willow's but it was time to go! She tried ducking out once he was a good feet away from the door.

"Not so fast."

She grimaced but did not turn back. Then, without hearing him approach her, she felt the cool tip of a gun pressed against her back.

Just as he was about to say something, she ducked the gun and backed towards him to land an elbow into his stomach.

He wheezed as her elbow made contact with his stomach. "She sure is strong for a girl, " he thought but before he could recover from the shock, she spun around and gave him a kick to the side of his head. When he was on all fours, all he could see was her back as she dashed to the window, leaped and snaked her way out.

Jade slid down the drainpipe, fireman style and sprinted to her sleek, black BMW motorbike and sped off in the moonlit night. After making a few detours to ensure that she was not being followed, she sped towards Frankie's place, her middle man for jobs. Her mind was reeling. Who was that guy and what was he doing there?

But she sped on and when she finally reached his cabin, she rang his bell even though it was one in the morning. After a few rings, she heard a crash and not a moment too soon, an obviously annoyed Frankie appeared in the doorway.

It was at least one in the morning and he had barely gotten five hours of sleep from the night before. He stumbled as he was making his way to the doorway and tripped on something knocking over his mother's vase as he tried steadying himself. Great. Just great. A small part of him wondered who was it at the door to have come ringing in the early hours of the morning whereas, the other part of him was agitated to be awoken from his much needed slumber. "What do you want?!" he barked and was proceeding to give his late night visitor and earful when he saw her face as she unwound her scarf.

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