Chapter 6

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“Don’t shoot…please,” my words came out little and choked as my eyes stared wide at the twin barrel of the rifle. My heart was pumping so hard I was sure I am going to have a heart attack.

Then, Gordon started to laugh, which sounded cold and wrong, raising my hair on end. “What? You think I’m going to kill you and do my years in jail? I just want your name, girl,” he stated like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

Somehow even thinking of my own name was hard. Duncan was practically immobilized, kneeling on the floor with one paralyzed limb. His glare towards Gordon was stinging to say the least but of course he couldn’t care less.

How did we get into this mess?

“Alyssa Lee.” I blurted out suddenly, not aware that I even did.

For a moment, I saw his forehead fold into a frown but then; I saw it, in his eyes. Some sort of recognition and he was staring at me, like he just saw me for the first time. In that instant, his face took on a more human look, warmth flowing into his hazel eyes.

His mouth hung lose for a second, “You’re Lee’s kid,” he mumbled, more to himself than to me and started lowering the rifle. His eyes never left me.

A smile tugged at the edge of his lips but he kept it neutral. “My, you’ve grown,” he said; now easing completely off the business end.

“Do I know you?” I asked, a little shocked that I did but he didn’t seem to react. He just stared on like I’m the Mona Lisa or something, a puzzle needing to be solved. Then, he shook his head, “now, why is someone like you, doing with a monster like him huh?” it wasn’t meant to be a question but it sure did make Duncan growl.

He started to lift his leg, into a crouching position but Gordon was quick on the riffle and stuck it right to Duncan’s head in a blink of an eye. I let out a weak scream but that wasn’t enough to distract him.

“Now listen here boy, your father have ruined my life, by kicking me out without any kind of settlement and that have cost me everything. I could think of thirty ways I could’ve of made your family’s life worst but I didn’t. I didn’t kill Richard, get that in your head,” Gordon spat, “Don’t think you’re strong now, you can be breaking into other people’s property. I know what you are; Duncan and I thought you would be smart. Ever thought one of yours killed him, huh?”

Duncan did nothing but growl, as Gordon shun the tip of the riffle at his head.

“Go now, you two!” he yelled, “Go!”

I didn’t need to be told a second time, before helping Duncan up to his feet. Gordon just stood rigid as I helped Duncan huddle towards the stairs as fast as possible. As we exit the room, I quickly shut the door behind me, just for a peace of mind.

We only reached the top of the stairs when Duncan finally let out a sigh. “I can walk,” he said bluntly before he pushed himself off of me, stumbling precariously down the steps.

He wasn’t at all stable but he was walking.

It was a long, five minutes, before both of us collapsed in the R8 with sore bodies. Duncan was groaning as he rubbed his thighs. I could see by his dilating eyes that the fight was escaping him, thank goodness. Reluctantly, he pressed the ignition button, and gunned the Audi. Gravel flew as we sped away from the place, with a notion that we just escaped some gruesome form of death.

It was when the wheels hit some rough patch of land before I realized we were going off road. “Emmm, dude, what do you think you’re doing?” I managed to get out as the low riding car wrestled through the grass, making for a really bumpy ride.

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