Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I shook my head and scoffed, “Please, Duncan, my mom will never let me move out. Especially when I am moving in with a…guy. She needs to be drugged to even agree with all this.”

“Actually.” Duncan had a guilty look on his face.

I sat up and gave him THE look. “No, you didn’t. Duncan, trust me, I’ll kill you if you did.”

“It’s not what you think!” he almost yelled in desperation.

“You drugged my mom?!”

There was silence right after I yelled that sentence. He just stared at me with a blank expression while I just look at him breathless.

Moments later he dropped into a heap of laughter. He even manage to roll onto the floor with a hard thud and still remain laughing.

“My God, I just said something stupid didn’t I?”

He just kept laughing until I reached over and punched him in the head. He recoiled but coughed back the remaining laughter and got into a sitting position. “You think I drugged your mom? Seriously, of all the things, you actually believe.” He shook his head, his shoulders still shaking.

I could barely contain mine, so I just threw off an unconvincing shrug, “Hey, you’re the crazed vampire here. Who knows.”

Duncan, then, pulled off the world’s worst hurt expression of all time. He put his hand on his chest and pretended to stutter, worse than Kristen Stewart could ever be. “Me? Crazed…well, I….No…How dare…me?…uhh!” The rest I just didn’t bother to catch.

“Stop! Stop! Stop!” I chuckled, “Okay, you got me. If you didn’t drug my birthgiver how you do it?” I asked, fairly intrigued.

“By the way, that is a very epic way to call your mom and I don’t know how but I realize that being what I am,” he gestured to his fangs, “If I try real hard, I could somehow…emm…how do I put it, convince a person…to agree with me.”

“Point taken. So, you went all Damon Salvatore on my mother?” I raised an eyebrow at him but he lifted his shoulders.

“I guess so. Not really compulsion but I think it comes with the predator thing.” He pointed out smugly, of course, typical.

I rolled my eyes, “What? Now, you’re a lion or something. Great, I have a meat-eating feline as my friend. Nope, I have a totally normal life, now don’t I.” I said. Nothing to toy with as we spoke, I reached over to the shelf trying to grab my iPad when I felt a strong gust of wind.

Just as sudden as my pathetic yelp, Duncan got me pinned to my bed, his body safely hovering above me. He bore his fangs, and flashed his crimson eyes. I thought this time he finally lost his mind when I saw the enthusiastic grin on his face.

“Dude, you have 3 seconds to get off me before I punch that smug look off your face!” I exclaimed which made his grin widen. He came down on my neck, grazing his fangs on the soft skin of my neck. I must admit that sort of turned me on.

“Duncan.” I tried to yell but it came out strangled.

He continued to trail up and down my neck, his warm breath tingling my every sense. The longer he did it, the more I enjoyed it, oh my gosh, I am losing my mind. I tried to wriggle free of his hold, but again, vampire strength. He was gentle though, making sure it didn’t bruise.

Then, he started to nibble. Oh God…and what’s worse, I’m not even repulsed by this, I’m actually liking it. My mind raged with conflicting emotions. One side is yelling at me to stop this but the other is like “Chillax, dig it.” And the latter is winning.

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