People who can't take compliments ( including me)

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A few weeks ago something unusual happened. I actually left the house. I know, crazy for a person who's practically engaged with their bed and room to actually leave the house. There was this gathering/ party that I actually decided to attend to. Back to the point- compliments. As I was shamelessly eating all the cookies that I had brought with me, I received a compliment from one of the girls. It wasn't about my personality or my outfit, it was about me in general. It went something like this : " I've always wanted to tell you that I'm so jealous of you, I mean you're nice, you're bright and you are such body goals." Well thank you, being the socially weird kid that I am I somehow managed to stutter out a quiet "thanks, I guess. ".
As you might have already understood, I'm very socially awkward and I don't have a high self-esteem. I'm the sort of person who goes around pointing at trash cans, saying "me" all the time. I know that I'm nothing special. Yes, I agree that I'm not extremely ugly or stupid but I'm also nothing outstanding. A strong 6 out of 10 I guess people would say. So as I was already feeling myself very uncomfortable sitting there, the other girl decided to say something too. " Totally agreeing with that one, we even talked about it at school one day." If someone would have made a blood test the awkwardness and uncomfortablity level would have been higher than people on Woodstock.
I'm the sort of person who can't take compliments, I always feel like the other person is just trying to be nice or in some situations, trying to mock me. On the other hand I hate people who can't take compliments. For example I have a very cool and cute friend who also happens to have a low self-esteem. I've told her 100s and 100s of times that she's pretty or that she did something very well but she just replies with something like " Oh you," or "naaaah." There's also this other friend, we are very much alike but she keeps thinking that she's "the ugly friend" and it just hurts. ( damn, it seems like I have so many friends.
NO NO NO! Dear whoever you are reading this if you feel like you're one of those people like me, who just can't freaking accept a compliment then please tune up. In 97 cases out of 100 when someone who you know and who you actually get along with compliments you- they mean it. Would you randomly compliment someone and not mean it? No? Didn't think so. So why would they be lying to you? The answer is they are not. So please don't be a person like me who actually changed the subject to escape from this weird situation, where I am the topic of the chat but be the person who actually cherices what other people say to you. Perhaps it will help you understand how amazingly simple things actually are and that people are not always lying prats.

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