Chapter 21 Clarke

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She gave two bold knocks on Lexa's door, standing there averagely, her hands falling by her side, and her smile widened. Clarke wanted to speak with Lexa about this war they are going to confront. Clarke by all means didn't enjoy War, but if it was to prove the Sky peoples loyalty to the Grounders, let it be war. The door slowly opened, Lexa standing on the other side. She smiled, moving aside just enough for Clarke to squeeze into the bedroom. Clarke was flattered Lexa invited her in, although she did allow it before. 

"Good evening, Clarke. How are you?" Lexa asked, her right brow slowly arising, as she closed the door, locking it so no one can come and disrupt them. Clarke plopped down in an old wooden chair, leaning forward, her hands folded. 

"I'm alright...How are you?" She asked, noticing Lexa was wearing some sort of night gown, and her hair was curled over to her left side, spilling down her straight shoulders. 

"Alright, as well. Although I am thinking frantically nonstop about this War. I always do with every war. It is just something inside me that triggers worry." Lexa sat down in the seat directly in front of Clarke's seat, folding her hands as well. 

"Yes, I am too. But I want to prove to you that we are worthy of this peace, I want to make a change. I don't want to be weak." Clarke said sternly, unfolding her hands, placing both of them on the arm of the chair. Lexa smiled at Clarke's sense of loyalty, and prosperity. 

"Thank you. This war may be the largest war my people will ever fight, and we need all the assistance we can get. Four clans out of the coalition agreed to assist us, but the Ice Nation has twice that many, their clan originates farther more back then mine, they are located up north, past Edens path, and the Warrior barons. They are ruled by a ferocious queen, her name is Nia. They were originally apart of the coalition until Nia's warriors kept stealing from my people, and the other clans apart of the coalition." Lexa's voice sounded thin, as if there was something she wasn't alarming Clarke about, but Clarke ignored it, and focused on Lexa's story. 

"Seems a lot of people tend to rob from you, The Plain-Riders, Ice Nation...You must have a lot of enemies." Clarke felt as if she and Lexa were two clumps of coal, resting in a blazing stone oven, thats how hot it felt in the room. Clarke had to slip off her leather jacket, her sweat was to thick and made the elastic stick to her bare arms. 

"There are a lot more then just those two, that are our enemies...There are things that are our enemies, that aren't even human..The Empusa. It is a mammal, that is much larger then an average bear. Its eyes glow a horrific yellow, and its claws are sharper then knives." Lexa's tone then lowered, as she spoke about the horrific creature. Something about the creature she described sounded familiar, and she knew what it was. The same thing that ripped Monty to shreds, and tore through Finns right leg. Clarke didn't say anything about her experiences with it, all she just did was not quaintly. 

"Sounds like a monster of some sort." 

"More then just a Monster. He is the call of the woods, worse then the Pauna, and the Wastelanders. He skins his prey, and eats them alive." Silence swept among the two, as Clarke sat there coldly. Clarke couldn't imagine the pain Monty must have went through in the Beasts feeding process. Luckily, it didn't snatch Finn. There was a knock at the door, and Lexa rose up from her seat, grunting in an annoyed tone, as she straddled her way over to the door, unlocking it to allow the others on the other side to enter. It was Osiris, Ajax, Karlina, and a few unknown Grounders, entering the Commanders room. Clarke rose upon her heels as well, strutting over to see what the issue was. 

"Heda, we apologize for coming this late at night, but we bear news." Ajax had his hands folded, and his posture straight, as he stood as still as a statue. Lexa looked exasperated, as she flared her nostrils, nodding. 

"Very, well. What is it?" 

"The Broad Leaf Clan leader, Penelope, she said over the Mountains and hills, something fell from the sky the other night...Something big. It broke into pieces and spread out against the land, she managed to send a few warriors to salvage, and they found this." Karlina held up, what looked like, an old plaque. Lexa took it, held it in her hand, and stared at it indifferently, soon passing it back to Clarke. 

"T.G." Clarke read from the plaque, her vision rising up to meet Ajax's and the other Grounders gaze. "T.G is the same company who built my home, the Ark. T.G stands for Trillion Galactic. What fell from The sky, was The Ark." Clarke claimed, astonished by her own words. 

"Yes, we thought so. We found a group of unknown people earlier today. We managed to kidnap one of them and threw him into the cells, the man we captured must be one of your people." Osiris added, crossing his arms. Clarke was continuously amazed on what was happening. The Ark, wasn't dead. They made their way down to Earth. Hope swept among Clarke, as she smiled widely, her bright white teeth showing. 

"May I speak with the man you brought in? You say he is in one of your cells." Clarke uttered, tilting her head. Lexa answered Clarke's question by a quaint nod. 

"Of course you can. He is apart of your people after all..Tell him about the peace. Once your done, we'll send you, him, and a couple of riders back to the wreckage that fell, to see if there are any others that managed to survive." Lexa held Clarke's hand, looking quite happy for her. Clarke was happy as well, and extremely excited. Her Mother may be alive, everyone she knew may be alive. A jolt of adrenaline rushed through her, as she followed Osiris out from the Commanders room, and down the hallway. She was excited to see who they found, what civilian of The Ark made their way this far. All Clarke could feel, was hope and compassion. But reminded herself, that War is coming. And she needs to bind her people together, to assist the Grounders to fight the Ice Nation. 

To Be Continued. . . .

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