Chapter 12 Octavia

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Jasper wouldn't move. He lay down on his back, curled up in a miniature ball. Octavia held him tightly, as he unleashed his tears and cried his eyes out. He had just gotten over all of his grief and Monty's death, when all of a sudden, the Ark falls from the sky, coming down to Earth, and the station his mother is on, blows up. Octavia was amazed how it came down. Some stations just fell straight, while others used their thrusters to propel across the landscape. Octavia saw one land close by. It was one of the Arks rings, that landed a few hundred yards North. Octavia wanted to go find it, but Jasper wouldn't go. He wouldn't move let alone get up on his heels. 

"We need to go, come on!" Octavia ordered, grasping Jasper, trying to pull him forward. But he wailed even harder as she tugged. He wouldn't even budge to move. 

"J-Just leave me! I-I have nothing to live for! Everyone I ever loved just died! T-The worst part is...they died right in front of my eyes." He sniffled, motioning his vision down to Octavia's waist, where the handgun hung loosely from her belt. Jasper's hands zipped forward, snatching the pistol, as he drew back from Octavia. The whole time he scooted back, he kept the barrel of the pistol, resting on the side of his head. Octavia worriedly panicked, shaking her head nonstop as sweat began to extract from her skin. 

"Jasper, please don't do this! Things will get better! Your parent's may have not even been on the eighth colony, they could still be alive! Please...just put the gun down...please.." Octavia tried to talk him out of it, as he flicked the safety off, pressing it more sternly against his head. 

"I'm sorry..but everyone that e-ever loved me is gone...whether being torn apart by a mutated bear, or blowing up in the sky..They are gone...No one cares for m-me..I'm alone in this world.." His voice cracked towards the end of his sentence, as he backed up more. Octavia continued to follow up. Every time he took a step back, she took a step forward. She wasn't going to allow her friend to shoot himself. She cares for him, and she knows a lot of others care for him too. 

"But its not your fault their gone...You didn't do anything wrong on this planet..this planet just did wrong to wounded you mentally, and psychically...and with my help, we can heal those wounds, and fill the bruises and cuts with happiness..and desire...This isn't the answer, Jasper..." Octavia kept her hands by her said as she spoke. Jasper just gave her a few worried glances, as he kept his gaze down at the Ground. The dark black trees around them, made them feel as if an audience was watching. The glimmering smoke and ash in the sky blocked out some light of the moon, causing a dark blue filter to take over the night woods. Jasper's gaze finally landed on Octavia, as he shook his head, and placed to fingers on the guns trigger. 

"I'm sorry....I'm so sorry...May We Meet Again.." He whaled, his voice lowering. A loud pop rang out, as Jasper's lifeless body plummeted down towards the ground. Octavia felt droplets of blood fly over and sprinkle her face, as she screamed in horror, running over to him, and dropping down on her knees. 

"No, No, No! Jasper...Jasper!" She screamed, rolling him over on his back, to see the bullets entry wound, and the exit wound. The sight was to gory to describe, as Octavia felt tears whither down her cheeks, as she covered her mouth with her hands, crawling back until her back met a tree. She sat there, crying her eyes out. jasper is dead. His bloody corpse sat in front of her like a rock. That is why he wanted to bring the pistol. He wasn't worried about rogue grounders or perhaps reapers. He just wanted to take his own life. Octavia talked to him, and convinced him at first that he shouldn't weigh himself down just because Monty's dead. But then he witnessed his own home station blow up right in front of his eyes, via other stations and colonies falling.

 Octavia still couldn't believe it. She punched a tree, and bowed her head, sniffling and bawling. She spotted a nearby puddle, where she managed to wipe some of his blood off of her hands. She couldn't get the droplets to come off of her tank-top, or her pants. So she'll have to walk around stained with blood for a while. She managed to bury his body that night. Right next to Monty's body, and next to Linq's, and next to Chris's. These poor souls. They didn't deserve this...If Chancellor Jaha hadn't sent them down in the start, all of them probably be alive...probably. Octavia was debating in her head of what to do when she wakes up the next morning. Return to the Dropship and tell them about how the whole Ark fell from the sky, or go to one of the pieces that fell. It landed near Octavia, about a mile or two South. She could probably get to it within tomorrows morning. But first, she needed sleep. So she slept right in front of the row of graves.

She felt as if they were mocking her. Teasing her. Any sort of mocking action, they were doing it to poor Octavia. This night has truly haunted her. A night that'll probably haunt her till death. 

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