Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I stared at the blank wall of the hallway for what seemed to be hours. What was I supposed to do now? Hook was gone, and with him, my chances of fixing the broken boy.

"Take me to Peter. I'll talk with him and see where it takes us. Maybe there's still a shot of preventing the bad." The oldest boy said. I still didn't know his name, and finding it out wasn't my biggest priority.

"Promise me you won't hurt him." I demanded. This could all be a trap, and I knew I needed to think of a backup plan, just in case. Still, I couldn't sense any off-notes in any of the boys' voices after they told me about Hook.

The boy nodded his head and started toward the later. I followed, looking back to see if the other boys had tagged along. They took a fearful glance at the oldest boy, who shook his head in disagreement.

"Why can't they come?" I asked, climbing up the ladder behind the boy but staring back at the three smaller children. Sorrow filled their eyes, an action I had seen more in one day than I had in a lifetime.

"They have duties to fulfill here. Plus, I must speak to you and Peter in private. I don't want to have to babysit children while doing it." His voice seemed short, but at the same time I sensed warmth. I decided the people of Neverland would forever be a mystery to me.

We half-walked-half-jogged to Peter, keeping our conversation short. He hadn't revealed anymore about the situation to me, but I did learn his name. He was the one the three boys addressed as Bandit.

We made it back to the hut Peter and I stayed at in what had to have been record's time. The fire Peter made was still going strong, but Peter was no longer where I had left him.

"Peter?!" I yelled, trying to keep my voice calm. Where could he have gone? I couldn't have been gone for more than an hour.

"Em?!" A voice yelled back, and I immediately recognized it to be Peter's. I let out the breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

He appeared through the trees just beside the hut. Worry was glazed over his eyes, and beneath it were the bags that held stress and what could only be the lack of sleep.

"Emma, where were you? I woke up and you were gone, I thought maybe Hook.." He stopped his sentence as his eyes fell over Bandit. I could no longer read the expression crossing his face.

"What are you doing here?" Peter said, furrowing his eyebrows. He reminded me of a small child after a friend had taken his toy. I tried my hardest not to giggle, knowing this was not a good time.

"Peter, please listen to what he says. He has news of Hook and his crew!" I practically shouted, wanting Peter to leave the anger behind.

"Listen to your girlfriend." I blushed as Bandit said the last word, looking to read Peter's face had softened a bit. I let a small smile work it's way to my cheeks.

"Hook is gone. He and his crew have left for America." Bandit drew in his eyebrows as he said this, mimicking Peter's expression.

"After you left, Neverland didn't stand a chance. The Lost Boys and the Indians teamed up, forming one army against Hook. It was too late, Hook's crew had grown almost three times the size when you left. He was pulling in people left and right. The Indians finally gave in, and all that was left was the army of the Lost Boys, which was only a bunch of kids and a few of us older guys." I observed Bandit as he said all of this. His eyes glazed over with a daze, and he stared into the woods as though he were replaying the memory inside his head.

I waited for him to say more, but the words didn't come. Whatever his thoughts were, they were his. I knew forcing them out of him wouldn't do anybody justice.

I looked at Peter who's eyes seemed to dance alongside the flames of the fire. It wasn't until then, I realized, that I hadn't taken the opportunity to study Peter.

His dark hair was shaggy and unkept, yet somehow he had managed to pull it off. Blue eyes leapt out from tanned skin, a perfect jawline finishing his face.

He wore a simple green cloth shirt which seemed to be tattered from years of wear, yet seemed to fit him perfectly. A collar shaped as a V showed off muscles that you only see in statues, putting every celebrity crush I've ever had to shame.

Brown pants which looked like they were crafted from the grounds of Neverland itself were cut off just below his knees. A belt was wrapped around his waist, revealing a small dagger. I noticed for the first time that he wore no shoes. I guess that's what happens when you fly everywhere, I thought to myself.

To top the outfit off was the trademark Peter Pan hat, one of the very few things that resembled what I had read about in the storybook. It was a plain and pointed green hat, with a red feather sticking out of the end. Another thing that only Peter could ever pull off.

"Em?" His voice snapped me out of my trance. Did he notice me eyeballing him for so long? I guess he did now.

I looked again at his bright eyes, unable to find words. It was incredible that one boy could completely mangle my thoughts. I had to teach myself to get better at guarding my mind from him. He had me under his belt so easily.

"I need you to help me stop Hook. You have listen to what I say, and give me your word that you will stop at nothing to honor it. This is the most important part of this entire journey, okay?" His eyes grew wide, like he was desperate for me to say yes. He was insane if he thought I'd back down.

"Of course Peter. What is it?" I asked, eager for an answer. His words wouldn't come out fast enough.

"I need you to stay here, in Neverland. I need you to promise me you won't leave. You'll be out of harms way here. Please, Emma. If ever there were a time to listen to me, it would be now." He closed his eyes, knowing the answer would sting back like venom.

"No! Peter I won't do it. You're crazy to even think that in the first place! I'm coming with you." I practically shouted the words, trying to show how much I had despised the idea.

Peter nodded his head, not looking the least bit angry from my response.

"I had a feeling you'd say this. Emma, get ready. I'm going to give you as much training as I can tonight. We'll leave for Hook in the morning." With that, Bandit shook out of his daze and nodded at Peter. He walked away, back toward the Lost Boys' hut.

I looked at Peter and smiled. He walked closer to me until he could grab my hand and return a small grin.

"We're going to stop Hook, Em. We'll save Neverland and the world. Maybe he'll even save you from your own stubbornness." He winked, and my eyes captured the movement like I had seen it in photographs.

I believed each word he said, not only because it was the only thing I would allow myself to think at this point, but because I knew Peter truly believed this himself.

I was one step closer to fixing the broken boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2013 ⏰

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