Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It didn't take long for Peter to fall asleep. His snoring eased my mind. I, on the other hand, thought of sleep as a faint memory, almost like it was something that only occurred in my childhood. I pushed the small memory aside.

Peter had fed us well. He roasted both squirrel and deer, none of which were my first choices, but I knew not to complain. I wanted to be in Neverland, the outlandish food was nothing compared to what I would be facing after nightfall.

"Goodnight, Peter," I whispered to the sleeping boy "I'll be back before you wake up." I left before I could second guess myself.

I had nothing with me. There was nothing to bring. I wasn't expecting small talk over a cup of tea with the boys, but I figured I could find someway to talk all of this out. I could only hope the boys had exceptional listening ears.

I ran as fast as I could without running into the things around me. My eyes were better adjusted to the dark forest, but only light could cure the unfathomable maze.

I knew the way back to the underground hut was a completely straight shot. It didn't take long for me and Peter to walk to the abandoned shack, so it shouldn't take me too long to get to the Lost Boys' home.

Once I finally reached the bare land where I could only hope the hatch was located, I crawled around the forest floor and felt around, feeling like a blind girl who had just lost her glasses.

My hand touched a cold metal plate, and I knew I had found the door to the underground hut. I opened it slowly at first, checking to make sure nobody was there. I wanted to talk to the boys, not have them think I was a burglar.

Once I knew the coast was clear, I threw the hatch open. I made my way down the ladder much faster this time; I had to make sure I was back before Peter woke up. "Patience is the best remedy for every trouble." I said aloud, mimicking my mothers voice.

I made my way to the hallway I remembered the two boys walking down. This room was so empty without Peter here. The desolation was the only thing that pushed me toward the further.

"Well, well, well." A nasally voice said as I rounded the corner. "Look what we got ourselves 'ere. A girl!" Three boys glared at me. The smallest boy threw an accusing finger up at me, making me feel like I was, in fact, a burglar.

"A girl!" A slightly taller, much more thin boy called out. "Can't be. The only girls here on the island are indian, which obviously, she is not." I noticed his grammar seemed much more efficient than the other boys'.

"Hush it, we'll take 'er to Bandit 'n' see what 'e has to say 'bout this. Until then shut yer traps!" The oldest looking of the three boys yelled, bonking the head of the taller boy. I had no time for this silly nonsense.

"Stop it, all of you! I need you three to listen to me, and quit bickering at each other for just five minutes. Can you do that?" There was no point in soothing my voice now, if I wasn't blunt with these boys I would never get a word in.

The three stared at each other, almost like they were speaking in telepathy. The older boy nodded his head, but not without furrowed brows.

"Fine, ye' got five minutes. Make it fast, I'm feelin' rather sleepy." And with that he gave a yawn, dramatically stretching his arms.

"Okay. This might sound completely absurd, but my entire night seems to be that way. You're friend," I made sure to emphasize friend, "Peter Pan is here on the island." The boys seemed to be taken back by this statement. Maybe Hook hadn't spread the rumor to everyone yet.

"He apologizes tremendously for his long vacation. He had to watch over me, I was in trouble." I took a breath and tried to slow my words down a bit more so I wouldn't have to repeat anything.

"Trouble? What kind of trouble?" The taller boy asked.

"The worst trouble you could think of. I was being forced to grow up." I made sure to really slow down my last few words. I had to make these boys believe me.

They let out a loud gasp, and suddenly I could smell something that could have been rotten eggs or dead cat, realizing all too soon it was their breath.

"Pretty bad, huh? You have to forgive Peter. I'll explain more later. Right now we have to talk the other Lost Boys and get them to listen to Peter. If I have everyone's word that they won't hurt Peter, I'll take you to him. He can explain the rest." I began gaining hope again. This could work. Peter would be so happy to have the boys back!

I looked at the faces of the three boys. They weren't happy like mine, or even the least bit excited. In fact, their faces seemed to sink in, three frowns that took over the limelight.

"As much as we'd like to, we can't do it." The leader-boy said. " You're too late. Hook and his crew just left, and most of the lost boys went with 'em." The other boys nodded in unison, keeping there heads down low.

"I suppose we can wait. This will give us more time to prepare! When the other boys come back we just have to..." And my voice was immediately cut off by a new, deep voice. It was so low it seemed to bounce off the walls, leaving dents as it ricocheted closer to me.

"I'm afraid that's not possible. Hook and his crew won't be returning." I searched for a boy that my eyes couldn't find. What was he talking about?

Suddenly, a shadow appeared much more closely than I expected. A figure emerged, but this boy wasn't a child at all. He looked to be the same age as me or Peter.

"Hook's headed for America. He's ready to take over." As the boy's eyes glazed over with anger, I felt the small hope that I had drop lower than the ground I was standing on. I knew immediately what he meant.

My old everything would soon be gone, and with it, my new.

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