God's Grace

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Jesus Christ comes not to conquer by force as earthly kings but by love, grace, mercy and His own sacrifices for His people.

God's Grace
2Corinthians 5:21
What is grace? In the New Testament grace means God's love action toward men who merited the opposite of love. Grace means God moving heaven and earth to save themsleves....

8 ways

1. We're saved by grace
The only way to Heaven is through the doorway of grace. You can't earn it. You can't buy it. Read the bible in Ephesians 2:3-7
2. We're forgiven by grace
Though we don't deserve it, God wipes our slate clean by his grace..

Read the bible in Isaiah 43:25

3. We're sustained by grace
God will never ask you to do anything he doesn't give you the ability is called gracen

Read the bible in Philippians 2:13

4. We're healed by grace
God heals our broken hearts and binds up our wounds even though we don't deserve it

Psalm 147:3
He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.

Life is 10% what happen to us & 90% how we react to it.

5. We're given talents by grace
Romans 12:6
God has given each of us the ability to do something well, and we're to use those abilities for him.

6. We're used by grace
Read the bible in Ephesians 3:7

7. We're transformed by grace
Read the bible in Romans 12:2

8. We're matured by grace
Peter 3:18
God's work of making us more like Jesus happens not because we've earned it or by our own effort but by the grace of God.

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