Harry Potter The Forgotten Lestrange

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Hey this is my first ever fan fiction hopefully i will get the next part up soon hope you like it and please give me feed back on what you liked and what you want to change and who knows maybe one of you will change the fate of Helena


"Hello are these seats taken?" asked a frizzy haired girl I recognised as Hermione Granger.

"Em no... I don't think so..." I replied with my head bowed as I saw Harry Potter behind her.

I almost feel guilty thinking what my mother, Bellatrix Lestrange, has helped to do to him, his friends and family.

"May we sit in here everywhere else is full." Hermione asked politely.

"Oh..OK.." I replied hoping they wouldn't start a conversation with me.

The trio filed in and sat opposite me.

"Thanks I haven't seen you before, what year are you in?" Ron asked while eating a chocolate frog.

"Fourth year." I mumbled trying to avoid eye contact with Harry.

"Are you in Gryffindor?" Harry asked noticing that I was avoiding looking at him.

"No I'm in Slytherin." I answered, my voice getting quieter with every word I said.

"Oh well I have never seen you before." Harry replied, he was feeling very suspicious by now.

"I try to stay out of trouble." I replied looking out the window, "We are nearly at Hogwarts I should go change into my robes."

I quickly added before I could be asked anymore questions.

"Helena? Is that you? What are you doing sitting in a carrige with a mudblood and and a blood traitor?" a blonde haired boy asked.

Before Harry, Ron or Hermione could react I jumped out of my seat and grabed my suitcase and ran out and stood behind Draco and said "Sorry Draco I was just leaving to come find you."

Harry Potter The Forgotten LestrangeWhere stories live. Discover now