♚What A WONDERFUL Festival♚

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Haruka's POV 

I jolt up awake as I remember what day it is. After a few seconds, my alarm clock went off, and I stop it from ringing immediately. Ruffling my messy hair, I jump down from my king bed to get ready for this big day. 

Cultural Festival, hmm? 

Hah, you guys must be puzzled. Let's see, during the time we had the meeting about classes and clubs activities for the festival, it's already the second last week of the month. So, there's only 1 week time for schoolmates to get ready for this festival. 

The new feeling I get thanks to (y/n) still resides in the deepest part of my mind and heart. I don't know what to call it so I'll call it a nuisance, just like how Akashi viewed about relationships. For the past week, it's so busy with the preparations since the festival this time is opened to public. So, the four of us, that is me, Akashi, (y/n) and Hibari can't hang out much because each of us are dealing with a lot of problems. It's good since I can avoid Akashi for a moment to forget about what (y/n) said. 

After having a nice bath and wear my school uniform, I run down the stairs of the mansion towards the dining hall. The maids and butlers greets me when I past them and I greet them back with a smile. While eating my breakfast, I remember about our class activity. Wait, what was it again? (y/n) is the one who suggested it and everyone agreed but me and Akashi doesn't seem to be informed about it. 

It's like a secret plan and I feel something bad will happen. 

I shrug it off, maybe it's just a competition? If so, I'll be taking the challenge. 

My driver send me off to school. The student council members are required to arrive earlier than others because we have to make rounds around the school, checking the safety as it reflects our school's appearance. 

When I arrive at the school's gate, I could see tents align on both side of the stone pathways. A lot of decorations such as flags, balloons, stickers and pictures are put up to welcome the visitors. I smile, (y/n) is in charge of the decorations, she is really pumped up for this huh? 

The school is still quiet since there are no students around. It's also a little dark considering it's still early in the morning. Even so, my mind is telling me that I'm not alone. No, we are not alone. I'm being paranoid again, am I? 

I stop walking. Taking in the silence that surrounds me. It is really peaceful and harmony. I could hear forest sounds in the distance. I feel like I'm in the wild. 

Well, not anymore. 

I sense a movement. When I turn around, someone is already on the move to kick me at the face. I jump backwards a few paces before inspecting the person's face. My eye twitch slightly, "Is that how you great me, Akashi?" I ask as I straighten my posture. 

He lets down his feet before giving me that usual smirk, "I thought I should give you a harsh good morning. Don't worry, I'm just testing if you are sleep walking." He is mocking me, just like always.

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