Chapter 15 : Old Friends

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We walk through the forest, the elves easily finding the path that we so easily lost. Gandalf was right when he had said that the roads had changed much since the last time I had walked them. The Mirkwood Elves would know this place so well they could walk it in their sleep. I try not to look indifferent or out of place, I keep my posture well, putting on a good poker face. Every few minutes I catch Legolas's eye watching me but when he realises I'm looking his way he turns away quickly. I suspect he's just as shocked to see me as many of the other elves are and there for having many questions.

I've known Legolas since he was quite young. We haven't exactly been close though, his Father King Thranduil and I have had a misunderstanding for as long as I can remember. I had only met Legolas on occasion, and in those times, we seemed to get along just fine until Thranduil turned Legolas against me, we haven't really seen or talked to each other in a while because of that. Not that I was heartbroken, I hardly knew the guy, but I know his Father all too well and know that Legolas and I won't be on good terms because of it.

The elves lead the Company over a bridge into the Woodland Realm. Legolas orders the guards to shut the gates behind us. The dwarves look around in amazement, much as they did in Rivendell because of the beauty of elven houses. Giant trees grow together, forming bridges and various levels. In the distance, you can hear the river running and hear some waterfalls. Mirkwood is a wondrous place, I should know because this used to be my home. In a completely different time...a time so long forgotten...

All the dwarves are pushed into different cells, only a few cells have two dwarves. I get pushed into a cell to the side a few cells away from the others. I can hear some of the dwarves yelling insults and threats as if that's going to help us in any way. Not too long after all the dwarves are in cells, two guards take Thorin, leading him away towards Thranduil's throne.

After the guards leave, the dwarves try to escape. I roll my eyes, taking a seat, knowing that there is no point. My kin built these cells a long time ago, no one no matter how strong can escape these cells by brute force.

I hear Balin's voice yell out to the dwarves "Leave it! There's no way out. This is no Orc Dungeon. These are the halls of the Woodland Realm. No one leaves here but by the king's consent!"

I nod, he isn't wrong about that! I shrug my cloak off, laying it on the ground. I lay myself down on the cloak, deciding to get cozy for the long wait that'll come after this. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath, breathing in the great smells of my old home. The oaks, the pines, the rivers, all sweet and unique to Mirkwood. No other place has ever had the same embrace as this place. Lots of memories fill my mind coursing a small smile to grow on my face. I was so different back then, more fragile but also more elegant. I was more elven.

I feel a few tears in my eyes, the mere thought of what had once been, being too much to go through again in my head. I missed this place so very much. I cherished it, loved it like an old friend...It's a shame I've gotten to see it again but from inside one of the cells...

I hear the shuffling of Thorin being brought back, causing me to sit up, quickly wiping the tears away and putting the masquerade back on. I hear Thorin grunt as he's thrown into the cell next to mine. Only seconds later, the door to my cell is opened, causing my eyebrow to raise. The Elf gestures for me to exit the cell in slight annoyance.

I slowly stand, wiping down my pants of any dust as I take small steps out of the cell. As the guards lead me from the cells, Thorin's eye catches mine, we hold a stare for a moment. He gives me a questionable look before disappearing from my line of sight. Thorin must be so confused, wondering why Thranduil wants to see me, especially with Thranduil being the way he is. Thorin would wonder why Thranduil would want to waste time with some women with no real title...or so that's what Thorin would think. I get lead through the beautiful halls of my once home, finding that although time has passed, not much has really changed. The guards take me towards the centre of Mirkwood, where Thranduil will be sitting on his throne.

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