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"Nice joke, Zee."

Zayn glared at Harry, his gaze defiant as the green eyed man chuckled slowly.

"I'm not joking, Harold." Zayn grumbled, crossing his arms, "I'm going to get over Loser."

"Zee, that was lame." Harry stated, "Loser for Liam? Couldn't think of anything better?"

"No, this is what he's done to me! I have no witty comments about his pathetic ass! Oh woe is me!"

Harry let out a bark of laughter and Zayn shot him a glare. The curly haired man raised his arms in mock surrender and grinned, "Alright, then. Prove it."

"Prove it?"

Harry's dimples were prominent as he stared at his baffled friend with a wicked smile, "Yeah. Prove that you're getting over Liam. Go to his house and get your sweater back."

"That's-- that's absurd! I don't want to see- ugh I don't want to see him!" Zayn stammered, frowning when Harry started laughing again.

"It's obvious then, mate." Harry shook his head, fake sympathy rolling off his tongue, "You're hung up on him."

"Fine!" Zayn stomped his foot, tugging his jacket on, "I'll prove to you that I can get over him! I'll be back in an hour." And it was only after Zayn had run out of his apartment and slammed the door to prove his point to Harry, that he realized what shit he had gotten himself into.


Zayn's hands were wet and clammy as his knuckles rasped against the door. He rolled his bottom lip into his mouth and bit on it harshly, his heart beating erratically as he waited for Liam to answer.

He heard shuffling on the other end of the door and Liam opened the door, dressed quite smartly for a lazy Sunday afternoon, his phone tucked away on his shoulder as he shot Zayn a hopeful smile.

"Yeah, yeah. He's here, Haz. Thank you." Liam hung up, tossing his phone into the bowl on the table next to the front door. Zayn huffed, burying himself in his hoodie more so that the fact that Liam smelt so good would leave his senses.

"Zayn," Liam finally breathed, opening the door wider, "Come in."

Pushing himself in reluctantly, Zayn stood awkwardly near the staircase as he watched Liam close the door behind him. "I, uhm," he cleared his throat, "I came to get my sweater back."

"Oh," Liam winced, hurt flashing his eyes before hope wormed themselves back into the them and, really, Zayn just wanted to slap that stupidly cute, puppy look off his face, "Okay, yeah. Want some tea?"

Zayn bit his lip again. Hey, if he was trying to get over Liam; might as well start with a good note.


"Come with me." Liam stated suddenly, offering his hand, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly as he realized how urgent and desperate he sounded, "To the- uh, to the kitchen."

Zayn gulped and nodded dubiously, his hand lacing with Liam's on instinct as the older man pulled him with himself into the kitchen. Trying to stomp away the tingle that went up his spine on the touch, the raven haired man smiled at Niall who immediately rushed towards him and latched himself onto his leg.

"Hey buddy," Zayn cooed as Liam let go of his hand, crouching down to hug the little toddler.

"Zee didn't say bye when Ni come!" Niall grumbled, patting Zayn's cheeks.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. Just had to uh, attend to something." Zayn whispered, trying to come up with something to excuse his abrupt leave after his dispute with Liam. The said man gave him an apologetic look as he took something out of the oven but Zayn ignored it.

"Ni learn to sing! Zee listen?" Niall clapped his hands, enthusiasm bouncing off of him. Zayn nodded, not having the heart to decline the small bundle of joy.

"Why don't you take Zayn to your room? I'll call you when tea's ready." Liam smiled softly, and Zayn had to tear his gaze away to not swoon pathetically.

Niall giggled and grabbed Zayn's hand, yanking the man out of the kitchen. He made grabby hands towards him once they reached the staircase and the latter wasted no time in scooping the little rascal in his arms as he trudged up the stairs.

Opening the door to Niall's room, Zayn basked in nostalgia as he remembered the first time he fell asleep on the small bed with the toddler, only to wake up to find he had accidentally slapped Liam.

He let out a sigh and sat at the edge of the bed, waiting for Niall to come out of his closet full of toys. He had only come here to get his sweater back as a sign of getting over Liam, but now he was listening to his son sing and had agreed on having tea with the man he was gaining feelings for every passing minute.

Niall clambered out of the closet, his arms supporting a small stereo as he plugged it into the socket. Zayn switched it on for him and Niall kneeled down, fumbling with the buttons.

"Do you know 'bout Justin BiBi?" Niall stuttered, trying to pronounce the singer's name.

"Bieber?" Zayn chuckled fondly when Niall nodded, "Yeah, sure have."

"Daddy teach Ni Justin song!" Niall giggled, switching the songs until 'Sorry' was seeping out of the small speakers.

Zayn cooed, his heart swelling as he saw Niall bounce around the room with a hairbrush acting as his microphone, attempting to sing along with the lyrics.

"'Cause Daddy's missin' more than j-just Zee's bodeh!" Niall giggled and Zayn's eyes went wide as Liam opened the door and came in holding a cake.

"I uh." Liam let out a bark of nervous laughter, "Hope you enjoyed that. Niall's been dying to let you hear it."

"It was- it was nice." Zayn gulped audibly as Liam towered over him, his chin pressed between his fingers.

Zayn got off the bed abruptly, only for Liam to back him up against the wall, his son oblivious to everything as he danced around to the songs on the stereo.

"I'm sorry," Liam tried again, "Please, I just. I screwed up, but-- I really have genuine feelings for you, Zayn. And-- and I want to give us another go. Please? I promise I won't screw it up again."

Zayn stayed silent for a moment, his eyes trained on Niall over Liam's shoulder. He let out a sigh, "You hurt me."

Liam nodded and closed his eyes, opening them with a smile, "And I'll spend my life making it up to you if that's what it takes."

The hazel eyed man's heart swelled and he bit his lip. Letting out a dubious nod, he smiled as Liam let out a whoop.

"Thank you, Zayn! I promise I won't mess this up." And with that, Liam's lips were sealing his own; and really, Zayn was quite keen on letting Liam have a second chance.


Yayy! Epilogue left, guys :")


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