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chapter two

not edited


Liam sighed, toeing his shoes off. He raked a hand through his hair, hanging his coat onto the coat hanger. His date had gone horrible.

He had gone into Nandos, where Louis had said the blind date would take place- and had taken a seat, scrolling through a few baby photos of Niall. And then started the list of what a horrible date should consist of.

Lesson learned; never let Louis plan dates.

Wiping his mouth once again, Liam climbed the stairs and opened the bathroom, brushing his teeth and using at least 5 glasses of mouthwash to get rid of the horrendous taste. He noticed two sweaters on the counter, and smiled when he realized Zayn and him had the exact same sweater. Speaking of which, Liam wondered where Zayn and his son were, so he quickly splashed water onto his face, grabbing Zayn's sweater before going on the hunt around his house, looking for the adorable stuttering coffee shop worker and his cute little ball of sunshine.

He checked the kitchen, frowning when he found the cabinets wide open, nothing in it's place. He then proceeded into the living room, where he found dozens of empty chips and chocolate packets and several bottles of chocolate milk littering the carpeted floor. Liam sighed, shaking his head, smirking as he realized Zayn had to be the one handling a hyper Niall and not him.

He climbed the stairs again, making his way down the hallway until he came upon Niall's room and pushed the already ajar door, making it open wider to display the cutest scene ever which definitely lifted his spirits.

The raven haired man was wrapped in a small blanket, which only covered his stomach and knees, Niall snuggled under it, laying ontop of Zayn's stomach, his thumb jammed into his mouth as he gurgled in his sleep. Zayn had left his hand tangled in Niall's dirty blonde hair, from when he had absentmindedly started stroking and petting his hair before drifting off to sleep.

Albiet Liam cooing and dazed by the endearing sight, he knew he had to wake Zayn up and send him home because it was nearing 12- and it was getting very dark. So, he took a few swift strides until he was crouching down next to the small bed, shaking Zayn's shoulder gently.

"Hey, Zayn," Liam whispered, making sure he didn't wake Niall up, "Hey, bud, wake up, it's getting late." All he got in return was a grunt and a sleepy slap on the face.

"Go away, mum, I'm tired." Zayn groaned, before he peeled his eyes open slightly. His eyes were blown wide in mere minutes though, when he came face to face with Liam holding his cheek and smiling uneasily down at him.

"Shit!" Zayn cursed, before realizing Niall was sleeping ontop of him. "I mean, poop dang it. I'm sorry, I didn't know." he admitted sheepishly, in a more hushed and low tone.

"Don't sweat it, Zayn." Liam grinned, handing Zayn his sweater as he picked Niall up from Zayn's stomach, "Thanks so much for looking after this little angel, I owe you one."

Zayn nodded and gulped, extremely preoccupied listening to Liam's lovely accent instead of focusing on what he was really saying. "Yeah, yeah, okay." Zayn nodded dreamily, drapping his sweater over his shoulder as he stood up and pulled his shoes on.

Liam walked him to the door, Niall still in his arms, his cheek pressed against Liam's shoulder as he sucked his thumb and Liam patted his small bum, causing Niall to gurgle and nuzzle his face into the crook of his father's neck.

"I'm sorry about slapping you." Zayn apologized again, and Liam rolled his eyes, giving Zayn a breath taking smile. "Don't fret about it, love, I said it's okay." Liam assured.

Zayn shuffled on his feet for a while, bidding Liam goodbye and slowly opening the door, ready to leave and go to his mum and annoying sisters back at home with a heavy heart. He wanted to stay with Liam and Niall and do cuddly and cute things together, but then he reminded himself that Liam would never, ever, never ever, in a million years like Zayn- well not in the way Zayn hoped he does, anyway. It was quite sad though, considering he had been crushing on Liam since he was 18 when Liam was his senior- being 19. He had graduated and left- and Zayn had tried to get over his silly crush for a year, but it never really happened. And when he got a job at the local coffee shop, he was more than delighted to find out that Liam was a regular couple- though his happiness was short lived when Liam had come in the next day with a giggly blonde and a small baby- claiming that they were his family. Zayn doesn't really know what happened after that though, except for the fact that the blonde had left with a much older man- leaving Niall with Liam.

Zayn was about to step out into the chilly breeze, and he was not ready when Liam kissed his cheek.


Heheheh fluffy ziam






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