Death Stalks Us

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The rain stopped. The wind calmed. The darkness remained.

The thunder continued to boom around in the black sky, without the useful light caused by the lightning.

Drip, drip drip... Evidence of the passed rainstorm remained as the trees shed their excess water onto the muddy ground, creating many puddles.

The now terrified couple were still hugging each other, trying to think of a solution to their situation. Kate pulled out her phone again, and decided to try and call the police. Nick went along with her plan, also thinking it was a good idea.

Kate dialled 000. The phone rang. She held it up against her ear and looked Nick in the eyes, which were just illuminated in the light from the phone.

The phone disappeared. One second it was there, the next there was nothing. There was a scuffle in the pitch darkness as Kate let go of Nick. Nick reached out and pulled her back into his arms, wondering what just happened.

"What the he-" Kate let out, just before Nick covered her mouth with his hand.

"SHHH!" Nick whispered quietly. "It's here."

Silence enveloped the clearing. Even the wind seemed to pause. 

They both stood dead still, waiting for any sign that whatever had taking the phone out of Kate's hand was still lurking. No amount of staring could part the darkness in front of their eyes.

Something hit Nick's leg and dropped to the ground. It was Kate's phone. 

Nick bent down to pick it up, and as both of them felt the lump of crushed plastic in their hands, they understood they were truly helpless.

Whatever unknown being was harassing them was obviously aiming to have some fun with them. Once again, an evil chuckling drifted towards them from nowhere in particular. Nick held Kate tightly and stroked her hair. The noise slowly faded away into the wind.

The wind picked up again, revealing the moon's light as a part in the clouds drifted past. Nick knew it was time to act. They couldn't just stand around waiting to be killed by some faceless figure. 

Nick turned Kate and looked into her eyes which were just visible in the mild light cast by the moon. 

"We need to go" He whispered. Kate nodded in resigned agreement. She too, accepted that there was nothing they could do but try to escape. 

Holding hands tightly, they both sprinted into the overgrown bush, Nick glancing behind him before being consumed by the trees. What he saw made his blood turn to ice as sick terror instantly took over his entire body.

A large dark figure standing exactly where the couple had been just moments before.

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