Chapter 3: Michael Myers

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^ Orion ^


A warm breeze caressed my skin, and carried with it the scent of coffee and sweet pastries from Susan's Café. Me and my Beta, who also happens to be my best friend, Sam, were sitting at a table just outside the café, sipping coffee. Peggy's red Prius came into view, she pulled up alongside the curb and parked, before jumping out and running over to us.

Peggy jumped into Sam's lap and kissed him affectionately, looking at him like he was her whole world. He looked at her the same. My heart clenched with longing. "Hi baby." Peggy said, "I missed you."

"I missed you too, love." Sam replied with a quick peck of the lips. I wish I could have that. An unbreakable bound forged through happiness and hardships. An everlasting connection. A love that could survive even the most horrific tragedies.
I wanted my mate.

When I turned old enough to find my mate I kept an eye out for her, waiting patiently for the day that we finally met. Time passed and I failed to find her, only to watch as my pack members found their mates and lived happily ever after. I sometimes fear that my mate died before we could meet, but if my mate was dead I would know.

My mate is out there somewhere, but I don't know when or if I'll find her. Then I'd be forced to wonder the world alone and incomplete. "So how'd it go, did you make a sale?" I asked, hoping that they would stop their affectionate display, it was starting to make my chest ache.

Peggy turned to face me, though she was reluctant to leave the comfort of her mate's lap. "The guy's going to rent, thank's for asking.' Peggy replied with a smile. "So, tell us a little about our new neighbor." Sam said, thinking the same thing I was.

Whenever someone moves into town may they be human or werewolf, me and Sam make it our business to find out as much as we can to determine if our new neighbor is a threat to the pack. "There's nothing much to tell really; his name is Everett, and he's renting a house on the edge of the pack borders."

My wolf, Opal stirred within me at the mention of his name, making me frown in confusion. "What is with you?" I asked him. He only growled before blocking me off, making me roll my eyes. I swear that wolf has mood swings. "Why wouldn't he rent a house further into town?" Sam wondered out loud.

"I had wondered the same thing, I guess he doesn't like people much."
"Did you get a last name?" I asked.
She shook her head, "He didn't tell me it personally, but it's on these papers somewhere." She said, pulling some papers out of her purse and handing them to me.

After giving me the papers she went back to sweet talking Sam, while I read. It said that his full name was Everett Eugene-Carmichael, but for some reason I felt it was a lie. It was weird, I had no reason to think that he lied about his last name. But I knew it was a lie, felt it deep in the marrow of my bones. But what reason would he have to lie?

There is only one reason someone lies about their name; if they want to disguist themselves, simply dissappear. And there are only two kinds of people who want to do that. A victim or a victimizer. If so, what is Everett? Is he a relentless killer who is on the run from police, or an innocent victim hiding from his abuser? I halted my crazed thoughts. It's only been five minutes and I'm making crazy theories that the new neighbor might be the next Michael Myers ready to kill us while we sleep.

I have to run a background check to see if he actually lied about his name before I jump to such conclusions.

But even then I had another strange feeling, a small seed of dread blossoming in the pit of my stomach. He's the victim. That thought was as rediculous as the whole Everett is the next Michael Myers theory. Why the hell am I jumping to conclusions like this? Eugene-Carmichael could be his real last name for all I know.

Why am I so concerned about labeling him killer or victim? Why the hell can't I just act normal about this whole situation? I shook my head to rid myself of the crazed paranoia that seemed to be poisoning my thoughts. I read the rest of the papers to see what other information I could get from it, which wasn't much.

I learned he last lived in Bakersville, at 2046 North Pine Drive. Though, that was probably a lie too. And that was pretty much all I could get from it. I looked up to see Peggy and Sam still holding each other close as they sucked face. So my two main options are either stay here and finish my coffee with the love birds, or go solve the Eugene-Carmichael mystery.

Staying would be subjecting myself to a horribly sappy love scene, while my mind worked out a hundred paranoid scenarios that could be connected to Everett- or I could leave now and run the background check.

But leaving now is like letting my crazy paranoia rule me. And am I really willing to do that, let paranoia control me? I think the answer is obvious. "I have to go, have fun love birds." I said as I gave Peggy back her papers, I went to stand up, "Wait!" She halted me, "Did I forget to mention he's a werewolf?" I gave her a blank expression, "No Peggy, you didn't."

A blush stained her cheeks and she hid her face in Sam's neck. With a roll of my eyes I got in my truck and drove quickly to the packhouse, where I can conduct my research. Years back during one of the Meetings of the Alphas, it was desided that there should be a program that keeps track of all the members of a pack.

So if you found a rogue, got their name, you could ship the rogue back to his/her ex-Alpha. So if there is an Everett Eugene-Carmichael, the computer should be able to tell me what pack he's from and why he's a rogue. As soon as I got to the packhouse I parked my truck and made my way inside and up to my office.

I clicked on the computer, steadily growing impatient as it slowly loaded the home screen. Yes yes, I feel very welcomed, load already. When the homescreen finally loaded, it glowed softly before me. I clicked onto the data base program and typed in the name Everett Eugene-Carmichael.

A line chased itself, going in a small tight little circle in the center of the screen as it searched through all the information. I sat in my office chair with a sighed, this could take a while. After all, the computer has to search through thousands upon thousands of names in the countless number of packs. So I made myself comfortable and closed my eyes, settling down for the long haul.

* * *

A ding pierced the darkness, startling me awake. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes tiredly and groaned at the ache in my neck, must have fallen asleep. I looked at the computer and a wave of dread washed through me. In big bold letters the computer screen read, No Results Found. Which means one thing, Everett lied about his name.

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