~Day 2~

365 12 6

Setting: Pharmacy
Dialogue: Liam, Niall, Liam, Niall, etc.

"Hey again, didn't think we'd meet the second time, we'll I mean I thought I would see you at the coffee shop again and not here."


"So what's that in your hand?"

"Prescription Medicine."

"Oh what for?"


"Oh god please don't tell me it's for you!"

"And if it was?"

"I just couldn't bear to think of such a beautiful guy like you being sad, you deserve the world and happiness, you're amazing."

"Um sir we just kinda met, you don't know me, my memories, my past, or the shit I've done in life."

"Well darling I feel like I know you enough to know you deserve to be happy."



"So is the medicine for you?"

"Of course not, I'm happy as can be."

"Ah alright that's good then."


"I should get going, I'll see you later, beautiful blue eyed guy."


Sad Blue Eyes |Niam Horayne| BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now