Entry 5 and half

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Hey, I'm here. I've been at Summer Camp. It was my last year pretty depressing time for me. And just so you know, you can pick any dude you want you don't have to pick anyone from MB. lso, I'm going back i the other ch. to add WWYD and WYR and other random questions. So look out for that. Anyway, gotta get in the zone. Enjoy the story.


~Prince's POV~

 Why was she crying? Everything was so, ya know, happy-like , and now she's sad, bawling, her eye out. What happened? Maybe I should ask her about her past, I mean, I opened up to her, though she left I tears because of it, isn't it fair that she does the same to me? Fuck, my life is so difficult. I'm a shy, lonely, depressing, peice of shit. STOP IT, JACOB! Y/N would never allow me to think of myself like this! Think positively. What past does she have with bullies? Was she bullied or was somebody she knew? Dammit! How am supposed to be positive with negative ass questions?

Fighting with myself mentally, I started walking home. Ms. Gamble said that she would send the results to our parents. As soon as I finally end this mental battle with myself, I end up at home. I look for my keys, but my mama opened the door before I could.

"Hola, mi bebé talentoso!" my mother says excitedly,"How was it?" she asked squealing like a teenage girl. I swear my mama is very irritating when she gets like this.

"What?" I ask trying to play dumb.

She gave me a annoyed look. "You know what I'm talking about! The audition!"

"It was cool" I told her, in detail, what happened.

"Mi bebé tiene su primera novia" She squeals. (trans."My baby has his first girlfriend"

"Ugh! mom you know I can't talk to you when you get like this! Besides, she's not my girlfriend...yet." I smile to myself thinking of what it would be like to be in a relationship.

"Oh. Okay. I see..." she's says nodding her head goofily.

"See what?" I asked scared of the answer.

"Nothing." She says in a high pitch with a giggle, walking to her bedroom. I gave up the fight.I hate people start something and don't finish. How are you gonna start saying something building up suspense, and then say "Oh Nevermind." I'm like "Well, fuck yo rude ass,too." Excuse my thoughts.

"You remember where you auditioned, right?" My mother yells from her bedroom.

"Yeah, that theatre that turned into Arts school!" Yelling back.

"Starting tomorrow you go to school there." Way to drop the ball(or bomb I forget) on me Ma. Well cool I get a fresh start. Maybe this year will be different. Wait, what about---

"Ms.Gamble says that she will talk to the parents in a few meetings before she gets the group together officaily." Well my questioned is answered. I start my new life tomorrow.


I had to give ya'll something. so enjoy will write you POV next put it on this ch. and make it a full chapter. Anywho, bye.


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