Entry: 1

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I got 2 weeks to update stories



(this you writing)Your Pov

Dear Diary,


That was me screaming of frustration because school starts in a week and nothing amazing has happened yet. UGH!!!

I was also hoping I would find my summer love. My day has offically been ruined. Maybe I could

"Y/N(your name)" Ray screamed.

Oh there's my brother Rayon. Should I listen to him... Pssh hell no!


"Aye! Yo YN!" He screamed even louder.

I groan, "What do you want, dammit?" I try to outdo his choice of volume.

"What I tell you about cursin'" He says.


"Do not start." He screams.

"Why the hell is he screaming?" I wonder aloud. I decide to go downstairs bringing my diary with me. But no one knows it's a diary because I disguised it as a shoulder bag. Genius, right?

"What?" I ask again.

"Wanna go for a ride?" Rayon asked with a goofy smiled placed upon his face.

"No." you say nonchalantly.


"Because," you continued, "the last time I went on a ride with you, somebody got hurt.."

"You really think that's gonna happen again?" he asks.

"Really. Really" you say in your best Shrek impression, "You know how many hobos are out here tryna steal your food?!"

"Fair point," he says with a sigh. "But will you please go with me?" he begged.

"Where am I going anyway?" I ask really not to enthused about leaving the comfort of my home.

"Well you see, what had happened was..."

"Don't start stories like that that's the crap that'll get you shot." It's happened before.

"Then let me get to the point" he takes a deep breath, "I have an audition."

I stood there a moment. First, it was kind of weird how he took a deep breath like he had a disease or something. Oh yeah, he does it's called annoying-itis. I laughed a bit at my thoughts.

"So you want me to go?" I ask.

"No, I just told you because I had nothing better to do." He said with sarcasm in his tone.

Well then, I won't go..." I say going a long with his smart remark.

"Y/N." He says in a serious tone in his voice.

"Sorry, but why me? Why did you pick the person that instead of taking a bullet for you, would see the gun and probably dip?" Or I'd probably be pulling the trigger.

"Well, because your my sister..." he says, "and everyone else is busy." he mumbles, but I could hear him.

"Oh, so that's what's this is about!" I exclaim, "Well I'll go but you taking my bestie's, Sasha's, house." I smile brightly.

"Nah, man. I can't." Ray says in disagreement.

"Why not?" I whine, pouting slightly.

"Cause she loves me." I

"BOY, YOU BE OUT YO DAMN MIND!" I yelled almost instantly.


"I'm sorry, but Sasha? Love you? That pictures a little blurry if you ask me."

"I'm just sayin' it could be true. You and I both know anything could happen." Yeah, he has a point, but him with my best friend. I forbid it.

"Like a piano can fa--" I inturrupted him by putting your finger ON his mouth. "Don't jinx it." you continue, "So will you take me to Sasha's?"

"I don't know, YN."

Time for the big guns. "Pwease, WayWay" I spoke in a baby voice, staring into his soul with my puppy of eyes.

"UGH! Alright I'll take you, but if she rape me in her bedroom--" I, again, interrupt him by putting your finger ON his mouth."Again, dont jinx it."

"Get yo damn finger off my mouth before I lick it!" With that I removed my finger. Nasty ass bastard.

~Riding to unknown place | Second person~

You decided to bring your diary to write during auditions because like before it was said that it was disguised, not like anyone would know. Anyway, in the front passenger seat, deep in thought.

This address is so familiar: 67th street in Halsted. I wonder if it's... you thought to yourself before you were rudely interrupted by Rayon's terrible road rage.

"BITCH, GET OFF THE DAMN ROAD IF YOU AIN'T GONNA FUCKIN' PAY ATTENTION!"he yelled out the window, "Dumb Ass" he grumbled,  slouching ack in his seat. You laughed at him.

Ray finally made it to the audition location and that is when you realized that you did this place. It was similar to a community ceanter.  Just for the art. It closed down years ago because of financial problems.

"So you ready?" Ray asked, breaking you out of thought.

"Huh?" you replied, glancing at him.

"Are you ready to go inside?" He was clearly nervous.

"I'm not the one auditioning?"

He inhaled as if about to make a comeback, then shrugged, " You got a point."

As you and Ray made it to the auditorium you realized that they changed it to and arts school. Not much different from the community center.

"It looks so different in here." Oh yeah. Ray was here with me.

"Yeah, it really does." You say replying to his comment.

You and Ray saw a sign that said: Auditions in the Auditorium. So that's where you headed.

As soon as you and Ray get there, you were set into a trance. You saw three amazngly sexy  boys: one with a puff, one with a mohawk, and one with a Afro. Although, the one with the puff looks mighty familiar.

Then for your grand entrance, Ray steps on the back of your shoe. Which is an immediate way to tick you off.

"Step on the back of my shoes again, you illierate immigrant, see was gonna happen!" you snap. At that time all eyes were on you, including Ray. You stared getting really nervous. You're not really digging this kind of attention.

"Not the best entrance, huh?" you say to Ray.

"Mmmmhmm" he says rubbing the back of his neck. 


So do you like it? This is my FIRST "starring you" stories. So, I will take criteria, but not too harsh. I want you to comment, vote, share, read. Do as much as you can with this story. If I want any story to be popular hopefully it's this one. So thanks for reading.

I edited it a bit. I'll do this with all the chapters. Why? Because I read this story that I started at least a year ago and declared a piece of walrus shit. So I wanted to change a few things. Nothing too drastic just a few grammer errors, and I'm removing the "N" word from this story, since not every MB fan is black. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. I improved greatly since the last time I touched this story and I refuse to leave looking as bad as England's cooking or America's health care. Lol, *sigh* Hetalia...


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