Guy 20: Alex Pettyfer

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A/N I updated everything so I decided to give you guys an article! My friend begged me to do this one so here it is!


       Alex Pettyfer, hmmmmm where to really begin? He hasnt done alot by standards, and he is received with lots  of mixed feelings. I personally feel that he has great potential as an actor, and he certainly has the bod!

     You can pretty much count the movies he has been in on one hand though. Alex Rider, Beastly, Magic Mike. and maybe a few more that I am forgetting. But at 23 he still has plenty of time to get his career really rolling!

     Like I said before, he certainly has potential as an actor, I think he could definitely use a bit of work, but then again my standards are pretty darn high. As far as looks go though, the guy looks like an angel, if angels have six pack abs and golden toned skin.

     Actually if you were to ask me who I would have picked to play Jace in The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones I would have picked Alex over Jamie Campbell Bower to play Jace. Hate me if you want, I just dont see JCB as a good choice for the role.

    Actually the only complaint I can really file against his body is his chest muscles, I honestly think they could use a bit of work, but then again he is only 23! He will have time to fill out right? I certainly hope so!

      His relationship status is a tad iffy, he seems to have an on and off girlfriend but I cant tell if they are currently on or off. I guess that means he is available. Well at least in my mind thats what it means!

     On the Jo Archer scale he is a total 9 and an 8.5 on the sexy scale, I have a feeling this number will grow as he ages and matures a bit! Lets all wait and see!


    Hi guys, you know that I love all of your comments, but recently I have had a string of comments about the ratings I give some of the guys in this book. One person even went so far as to say that a rating should have been higher because the guy was quote 'A nice man and a philanthropist' no offence but this book is called 'Sexy Guys and why they are Sexy' not 'Nice guys and why they are Nice'

    If someone is very talented or stands out in a certain way I try to include that in my articles, but I cant have the world. Also even though I have said this multiple times, the ratings I give guys in these books are ratings I think or hope rather that people will agree with. In myy mind alot of these guys are absolutely perfect to me and in my head they are a 10.

    But in reality, they arent a 10. I try to be unbiased and have a rational rating system, but this is a book of opinions not fact. Nothing is worse than when all you comment is what you think the rating should have been, and frankly its getting a bit old. I respect all of your opinions, but at times it feels as if some of you dont want to respect me trying to be an objective writer.

   This book is supposed to be fun, and I hope it can continue to be fun, and I love hearing your guys' opinions, I just dont like hearing them in a way that makes me think you think this book is dumb and my ratings are as well.

   All I am asking is you dont include in a comment a number like 5 or 8 or 10,000 actually put some words in, tell me if you really liked the article, give your opinion in a kind way that presents your opinion without degrading anyone else's. Can you all do that please guys?

p.s. Just to be clear not all of you do this! It is only some people that I have noticed and I just wanted to try and point it out nicely! I hope i did okay!


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