Chapter 15

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6 Days until DdM

By the time the sun is up, we're already inside the building. The place is literally crawling with guards or soldiers of some kind and it's making me anxious. Aries walks at the front, her knife waving from side to side so much, I'm wondering if it's just the guards that are making me nervous. Behind us the almost silent sound of footsteps and then the click as guns are loaded.

"Who're you?" someone shouts and we turn as though we hadn't heard them before.

"Surprise inspectors, just arrived" Virgo said. Because of Aquarius having to set up the bomb, Taurus' wound and Scorpio walking out, there were just three of us and so Virgo tagged along to get Sagittarius and Leo out. "We're new to the... the... inspectors group so you won't have seen us around before. We prefer to come when you're not expecting it so that we can see what conditions are really like. You don't know the number of people who make everything perfect just for the inspectors."

They lower their guns a little bit, staring. "Aren't you a little young to be working for the island safety inspectors regime?"

Virgo hesitates. "Err... no. Emilia is... " she gestures towards me.

"Venti" I say.

"She doesn't speak English really" Virgo covers.

"Well... we'll have to take you to boss' office and just check with your head to make sure that..."

"Oh no" Cancer steps forwards, frantically tapping on her phone behind her back. "We have a message from them right here." She puts her phone out towards them. There is a long message text on screen.

One of the guards sighs and scratches his head as though he doesn't really know what to do. "Alright fine but... but we'll need to tell the boss that you're here."

"No need" Virgo says. "We learnt that you have some people held hostage for trespassing. We want to see them. Talk to them if possible. Now" she barks the last word, shifting out of her usually sweet character. "Please."

There are five of them, all of whom are nodding as though they all have a nervous tick. One of them races off to 'tell the boss' and the other four lead us down the corridor, down a set of stairs, down another corridor, past a number of crossroads. The place is like a maze, a very empty maze. At least, it is below ground.

"I'll warn you though, we questioned them vaguely yesterday and one of them blurted out that they were part of an assassination group. He was crying at the time so I'm not sure if I really believe him or if he was just saying something to get us to go away. The other stayed emotionless" he picks up a walkie talkie with 'Matthew's device' written on the back. "Open rooms 243a and 243b for the inspectors please."

Two of the doors at the end of the fall way click and a light at the top flashes green.

"When we get inside, I want you to live us with them please" Virgo says sweetly, batting her eyelashes like she's trying to sweet talk him into giving her what she wants. It works... ish.

"I... I can't... well... I guess just for a couple of minutes but no longer than that okay?" he says, throwing open one of the doors and sending someone with a name tag 'Sam' to open up the other door.

Inside, it's completely metal, no windows and a thick glassed light panel from the ceiling lights the room dimly. In one corner is a toilet and in the other is a bed. As far as prisons go, it's not that bad. On the bed, Leo sits, eyes closed, tapping out a rhythm with his right hand, left joining in every so often. He doesn't look up as we enter, or even when Sagittarius is shoved through. Only when the door closes does he acknowledge our presence.  

"I screwed up" he sighs, opening an eye. "I got us both caught and then broke and told them about it. I'm sorry guys, but they were using methods of torture that I swear shouldn't be allowed today. Like seriously. Tell me that strapping someone to a burning hot pipe with chains is legal?"

Aries shrugs. "Listen, the second the open that door, we kill them all with minimal noise."

My phone beeps and for a second, I want to shout at it because I know that it's 6 days until they set off the Distruttore di Mondi. I nearly do but it's a text from Aquarius.

Gem, it's set. You have thirty minutes.

"It's set" I mutter and pocket the phone. "We need to go."

"Okay listen" Aries glares at Sagittarius and Leo. "You two aren't messing this up this time right? We're not coming back for anyone else again yeah? There are four of them. One is to take Sagittarius back to his cell, one to collect us and two to keep guard. We wait for one to take Sagittarius and then we attack the one to collect us. I knife him whilst Gemini sorts out the Carbon Dioxide filter. It's over there in the corner. The other two run in, we get out however we can and lock them in. Sagittarius, when they go inside, you beat the crap outta the person with you yeah?"

Sagittarius nods, expressionless. I make my way over to the filter. It's fixed into the wall strongly, something I've never seen before. "Pass me your knife Aries." She mutters angrily but hands it over. I smash the grate open and stab the filter a couple of times before it comes loose into my hands. The door starts to open and I slide the grate as normally back into place as possible and hide the filter behind my back.

"Come on" the soldier/guard person called Matthew says. The guard named Sam wanders in behind him and hauls Sagittarius out. "I'm afraid you can't stay in any longer."

Virgo nods, walks forwards and smashes both of his ears with her fists. He seems to choke, spits blood and then just stops doing anything, stays still for a second and then collapses. She carefully steps over him. "Help." The guards from outside run in and she points to Leo at the back of the room. "It was him. He killed him!"

From outside is the sound of a kind of cough-choke noise and a virtually silent thud. We slip outside, leaving Leo inside with the guards. Leo kicks one of them in the head and then darts for the door which Cancer closes behind him. Sagittarius is bent over a body, hand clamped over his mouth and nose so tightly that the skin is puckered and bleeding in a couple of places.

"Don't you dare get yourselves fucking caught again" Aries snaps at them and then turns to Leo. "And especially don't give away information on the mission." He nods hurriedly. "How long Italy?"

I glance at my phone. "Twenty...four minutes."

"Then lets go" Cancer says, stepping forwards. "If what Aquarius said about this bomb of hers is true then I don't want to be anywhere near by."

I nod and Virgo starts running forwards. After a second, Sagittarius and then Cancer.

"Why are we running?" Aries complains, starting into a light jog behind Leo and I. "It's effort."

"Yeah, and mauling people isn't?" I say. "Slowly hacking limps off a torso which you then slice open and pull out their organs. That's not... not effort?"

"Shut up Italy" Aries snaps. "Don't think that just because we were in a group we're friends now."

I shrug. We get to the top of the stairs and from all directions, people with guns appear, blocking any exit path.

"Shit" Aries mutters. "Where's Taurus when you need him?"

"Back in the van where you told him to stay" Cancer says bluntly.

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