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The ride was silent. All 4 hours of silence. No radio, no talking, no heavy breathing just silence and not a good silence. We finally arrived at this guarded prison. Bars, high gates, electric fences, beefy guards with guns, dogs barking, gray skies and cameras everywhere. If you wanted to escape this place you would have to very slick and smart.

We walked through the big double mental doors as they opened slowly. We went through security with ease. They took us toward the front desk of the visitor center.

"Hi how may I help you" the lady asked

"Im here to see Chresanto August" I said

The happy look on her face quickly turned into a worried look

"Are you sure that's who you are here for?" she asked concerned

"Yes maim" I said

She pressed a button and two guards came in.

"Hey yall wait out here till I get back" I said. They nodded. The two guards escorted me down this long hallway t the room. They opened the door and there was two seats with a table separating the seats. Like in a NCIS interrogation room. Minutes later four guards walked in with a chained roc. They pushed him in the seat and chained his arm to the pipe and his legs to the chair, which by the way are cemented to the floor.

The guards left and it was just me and him.

"So you came back to me" roc said with a smirk

"Not what I came for" I said coldly

"Oh I know why your here, I guess I did get the job done" he said

"What job?"

"Your pregnant with MY baby!! My blood! lol this is funny and when the baby comes its going to look like me and remind you of me everyday of your life" he said

"Im aborting it" I said. His facial expression changed.



"I said NO" he yelled slamming his fist on the table "You will not kill my baby! That's the only family I have you will not kill it, ill help take care of it" he said

"How, your in here? And if I keep it you will never see it" I said

"Please don't do this to me I know I caused pain in your life but don't take the only thing that will love me, please" he begged

"I don't know roc, we'll see, bye" and with that I left. Ignoring his crying and begging I walked back to the crew.

And with that we left

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Let me know how you feel

im thinking of deleting this story idk why. Should I?

Well that's it

I start school soon so updating will be kinda slow since I will be a freshman

Yep yah gurl going to highschool lol

Love yall

Im stuck in my peace dayze

<3 Keria

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