Chapter~2~Hurtful Reunion

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Okay all...that is if anyone is still reading...i am finally back!!! and this time for good. i will not stop until i finish this damn series!! thanks for all the support and comments on the first book and the first chapter to this one guys, you have no clue how hard i cried just seeing all the wonderful things you said. i love all of you my night children! now enjoy chapter 2, i will be working on chapter 3 tomorrow for you guys if not late tomorrow night then it will be up the following day sometime.

Ciriah :) 

PS. i will also be updating temptation of the soul, and the elementals tomorrow.

i am back baby!! nd gonna be working harder than ever.

(Leomaris' POV)

I sighed with boredom, "why do we have to go to this stupid ceremony again?" I asked my mother.

"the new high royals are to be crowned today, and later the princess and princes will be crowned, honestly I have told you this three times now Lemaris!"

I looked up from the finger I was admiring, "what?"

She turned a bright red and she huffed, "I will not put up with your mouth this evening." I rolled my eyes and she gripped my chin roughly and turned my eyes back to hers, "do you understand?" she growled.

I stared at her, and I knew my eyes were blazing with hate, but I controlled my voice enough to mutter a, "yes."

She let me go, I didn't rub at the sore spot she left, I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of me in pain.

After a hour of silence we finally stopped at the gates of city of Fai, as soon as the door opened I was the fastest one to get out, my family was horrible, and I just needed to get away from them, but of course, "Leomaris, you are not to embarrass us tonight."

I rolled my eyes while I stretched the stiffness of my muscles, my red hair flowed around me as I shook it out, I never knew why it did that, it almost looked like fire to me, but of course my mother being her positive self said that I was just a no one in her eyes, I looked nothing like the rest of my family, they all had blonde hair and eyes so blue that they looked almost like the ocean itself.

Me on the other hand had flaming red hair and eyes that looked like fresh grown seaweed, not really common to begin with in the first place, and when I say not common I mean out of all the people that I have come across, no one has ever had hair as red as mine.

"answer when you are spoken to boy!" my father's voice bellowed.

"yes mother." I said as we entered through the gates and towards the castle.

People bowed as we passed making my mother beam and wave at them. My father held a very big and fake smile on his face and shook hands with a few of the merchants. Girls started to make small pleading noises at me, but I barely gave them a glance, I had my eyes set on only one person, Aleksy.

I felt a slight blush creep up my face and one girl thought it was for her and she screamed.

Goddess only knows why I feel this way, every time I think about him, I feel strange, this even happened when we were younger, I thought it was him then so I picked on him so much, when he would cry I would want nothing more than to comfort him and say I was sorry, but I was dumb and swam away before it would get that far.

Conch horns sounded announcing our arrival, the Indus and the Arcane families, and lastly we came in, more girls were silently trying to get my attention, but when I looked up to the dais my heart almost stopped, Aleksy floated next to his twin Alistair looking rather bored, then he saw me and I saw something flash in his face before he looked away from me and crossed his arms in anger.

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