Chapter Twenty-Seven

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AN: Be sure to read the important AN at the end!

It had been almost a week since Nyx had died, a week since the war ended. It had also been a week since I had seen Antias, but I tried not to think about that.

I was slowly getting used to the fact that I was dating the King of Fear. I slept in his room now, and I had a seat in his throne room next to him, although it was much smaller and no where near as fancy. I didn't mind. I loved him.

The day we had returned home had been an emotional one. Luke delivered the news to Robin personally, telling him that Aaron could never come home again. Robin clenched his fists and trembled, but nodded in understanding. "It's the least he deserves," Robin murmured.

"I'll look after him," Jay assured us.

"Good," Luke replied. "None of this is Robin's fault."

Hamilton had been strict in that fact that Anatolia - or present day Turkey - would be strictly off limits, as that was where Troy had once been. Luke had reluctantly acquiesced.

I hadn't been there for Hamilton's and Morpheus' reunion, but I heard it hadn't turned out well. Luke wasn't surprised. "Relationships never last with either of them," he commented. "This was destined to fail."

"Are we destined to fail?" I had challenged.

"No," he assured me, kissing my cheek. "Never."

We were in his room now. I was laying flat on my back on the bed and Luke was hunched under the covers, very passionately sucking me off. I was moaning softly, playing with his hair and tail, which was flicking up happily. I grinned down at him. "Oh, baby," I said appreciatively. "Don't slow down."

I tugged on his hair, forcing him to take me in deeper. He hummed lowly, which just prompted another moan from me. I came in his mouth and he swallowed every bit of it. He looked up at me, smirking.

"Feisty," he purring, crawling up the bed. "And I believe it's your turn."

I laughed, pushing him away. "Fuck off," I said lightly.

"Oh come on," he protested. "You never go down on me."

"Why would I want to, when you're so good at it?" I teased.

He just smiled and kissed me gently. "Fine," he huffed. "Be like that."

The kiss intensified and I wrapped my legs around his body, whimpering pathetically. We rolled around for a bit, desperately trying to take in more of each other. I fastened my lips around his neck and his tail squeezed my torso.

"Marry me," he managed to gasp between kisses. "Oh, Jess -"

I snorted. "You are a demon," I pointed out. "Can you even get married? The traditional way is kind of religious, and I can't imagine human marriage laws mattering to you..."

Luke grinned up at me. "Maybe a Satanic ritual?" he suggested, licking my ear.

I laughed and we started kissing again, until the full meaning of his words settled in and I pushed him away.

"Are you serious?" I asked. "Or were you just teasing me?"

Now he looked uncomfortable. "I don't know," he said awkwardly. "Kind of serious..."

A wave of affection came over me. "Let's just try the whole boyfriend thing first, okay?"

He smiled with relief. "Okay," he agreed, and we kissed again, this time so much harder.

"If you won't go down on me," Luke went on, his voice muffled against my neck. "Will you at least fuck me this time?"

I grinned against his mouth. "Sure."

"Mmm, I love you, Jesse."

"I love you, Luke."

We had sex for the next half hour or so, taking turns giving and receiving. Afterwards, when we were both sated, Jesse pulled out, exhausted, and quickly fell asleep. I cuddled with him for a while, then slipped out of the bed and got dressed. Regrettably, I had other things to do.

I made my way down to Hell, walking among the fires, which playfully snipped at my heels. Some of my former lovers were among the shrieks and wails, although fortunately not many. Most had risen to Heaven, but those that were still down here... I tried not to dwell on that. Nyx was down here somewhere, but whether he was a mindless drone or he was burning with the humans, he wouldn't be what I remembered him as.

Turning away from the flames, I approached the singular white tower that rose above it all, the tower where my father lived. Lucifer.

I had heard many stories of my father, of how he had been before he fell, back when he was first an archangel. He was rumored to be the most beautiful being, surely too pure for any demon to look at, had there been demons back then.

Now, that beauty had been stripped by the darkness of Hell. He was still physically perfect, and was still unnaturally beautiful, but lacked that purity he had once been known for.

He sat on a throne of cold metal, a white crown that out shown everything else in the dark room. When he saw me, he offered a charming smile, one that sent shivers throughout my body.

"You asked for me, Father?" I said stiffly. I wasn't anywhere near ready to forgive him for what he did to Nyx.

"Yes, I did." His voice was soft and melodic. "How are you, my boy?"

I narrowed my eyes. "You called me down here to ask me how I am?"

"You are my son. Am I not allowed to ask you that?"

I sighed. "I'm fine, thank you. I mean, I would be more fine if Nyx were still alive."

Lucifer laughed. "Did you expect me to ignore your antics with Johanna? Be grateful I didn't take your sweet human away from you."

My blood ran cold. "You wouldn't."

His eyes darkened as he leaned forward. "I would," he assured me quietly. "If I were you, I would treat me with more respect."

Now I was afraid. Lucifer and Hamilton were the only two beings in the world that could make me feel like such a child. "I'm sorry," I said meekly.

"I forgive you," he said graciously. "But I did call you down here for something else: your dead friend."

I couldn't help but feel angry. Was he still bent on rubbing Nyx in my face? "What about him?"

Lucifer sighed. "He isn't in Hell."

I froze. "What? Where is he?"

"Heaven," my father growled. "His soul was taken by the angels."

I didn't know what to think. This was completely unheard of. A demon, in Heaven...

"And that's not all," Lucifer continued. "I've been hearing whispers, rumors... My boy, I'm going to need all your strength for this."

"Yes, Father," I said quickly. Anything to stay on his good side, away from Jesse. "What have you heard?"

"Michael." I shuddered. Michael was the archangel of Faith, the King of the angels, and therefore the bane of any demon's existence. He was also my uncle, Lucifer's brother.

"What about him?" I asked tentatively.

"He's coming down from Heaven, to the Surface." My father took in a deep breath. "But this concerns you, too, little Shadow. He is taking Will with him."

AN: Thank you guys for making it with me to the end. And yes, there is a Book Two. It's out now, and is called The Angel King! :)

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