Chapter Sixteen

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The thrill of freedom had died down a few hours ago, and I was back to feeling like absolute crap. I was starting to wish I had enjoyed that Cup-a-Noodles a teensy bit more, because food and water didn't seem like it would be coming anytime soon. Not to mention I was exhausted as Hell. The fever was coming back, and I could barely even walk anymore, which of course lead to me receiving plenty of dirty looks from pedestrians.

San Francisco is a beautiful city, full of hope and change, but only if you have money (having your memory with you is also advisable). I wanted to find the part of town I had been in with Morpheus and Phobos, but it was going to be impossible in my condition.

What was I going to do? Was anyone even looking for me? Antias and Stacy were sure to be prowling the streets looking for me by now, and if I stayed in one place for too long, they would find me. I had no money to leave the city, and hitch-hiking wasn't exactly appealing. I was either going to get caught again, or I would die. Again.

Even in this place I saw signs of war. Everyone was visibly stressed, and prices had risen astronomically since last time I had been here. I saw no children or young adults, and no one was shopping. Many stores had closed.

I was wandering alleyways, looking for a place to sleep. Maybe Morpheus would find me, but mostly, I just wanted to rest for a few hours. My head was pounding at me and my eyes were continuingly watery. Finally, I settled for wedging in between some crates behind a Starbucks. A homeless woman was sleeping only a few yards away, but strangely enough, I didn't mind the company. I had been feeling lonely ever since I had been kidnapped, and now, I felt more alone than ever.


The bell had rung a few minutes ago, but it could no longer compel me to rush to class. I was crammed in the janitor's supply closet, which let me tell you, is not a comfortable location. But I didn't mind - I wasn't alone.

Getting to Calculus wasn't important. Making out with the hottest boy in my year, well, that was fairly important.

Not everyone thought Luke was the hottest senior, of course. He wasn't very tall, and had an arrogant attitude, spending his free time mocking anyone who approached him. He was repeating 12th grade for the second time, and was best remembered for making a substitute quit her job. His reputation was further damaged by dating another unpopular guy: me.

I was sarcastic and unfriendly. I was short and Latino, with good grades, which just made people jealous. I wasn't athletic at all. I was a good target for bullying. Going to school in San Francisco meant that not that many people discriminated me for being gay, but there was still plenty to make fun of. But whenever Luke was around, people left me alone. He had the ability to just scare people, just by being around. I never knew how he did it, and every time I asked him, he would just wink and change the subject.

But my social status didn't matter. Luke pressed me up against the wall, his knee slipping in between my legs. Our mouths never separated as his tongue flickered out every once in a while. His hands were roaming every inch of my torso and as they moved across my chest, I moaned in ecstasy.

Reluctantly, I pulled away. "I have to get to class," I murmured, brushing my lips against his collarbone.

His knee jolted up and I gasped, clutching at his shoulders. Oh no - I was getting hard. Our eyes locked, his beautiful onyx ones against my dull brown ones. "No, you don't," he whispered, leaning forward to kiss me again.

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