Chapter 2

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Becca's POV

I pulled into the parking lot of William L. High. I was tickled for the first day and most of all, my sister. I could not believe the change she had made this morning. I was super  proud of my sister, maybe today she could make new friends and stand out in the crowd.

"Lets go!" I chanted, happily clapping my hands. Crimson looked paler than usual, was she ok? I gave my sister a look of concern as I placed a friendly hand on her shoulder. My wide open mouth smile turned into a comforting look, I nodded slowly, "I know, it is tough making a change like this and showing it to the whole world," I paused for a moment, "But you are going to make a great first second impression. So lets rock this school year!" I giggled, throwing my fist into the air.

"Thanks," Crimson said swinging her backpack over her shoulder preparing to leave the car. I followed her by doing the same.

We left the yellow car and started up to the school. We got a lot of looks from others as we were walking, I smiled and straightened my back enjoying all of the attention. I glanced over to Crimson to see if she was doing the same; she was biting her bottom lip and she was slouched over, I could tell she was uncomfortable.

"Hey," I snapped giving her a little play punch in the shoulder. She instantly shot up to a perfect posture, but still biting her bottom lip.

We entered the school. It felt like yesterday when I was last in this building on the last day of freshman year. I smiled, the old memories warming my heart.  

"Hey Crim," I asked, Crimson looking my way, "Where's your locker."

Crimson shrugged her silently shoulders and sighed. "Well, lets see," I asked grabbing her schedule from the back pocket of her backpack, her hands looked threatening to smack my face but I ignored that trick. I scanned the upper right hand of her schedule. "Hmm, looks like you are in the jock hallway.

"WHAT!" Crimson screamed throwing her hands in the air swatting imaginary flies. 

The jock hallway was a hallway where all the boys coaches put all of the team members so the could so called "bond"  And there was always some unlucky fellows who weren't apart of any team that got stuck there in the putrid hallway.

I nodded my head in sympathy. "It's, ok?" I said trying to make being in the jock hallway not seem that bad. That just ticked my sister off even more, she started to storm away faster than I could keep up, I lost her in the crowd of people.  I guess I would be walking alone this morning.

My perfect posture curled up and I started to slouch around the hallways.


I was twirling my new combination into my locker as I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I twirled around as quick as I could, startled. I saw the friendly face smiling brightly in my personal bubble. I stepped back seeing the very "bright" figure in my personal space. "Hi? Who are you?" I asked confused, the girl wore black leggings a long yellow tank-top with a grey cardigan draping over her shoulders and going towards the mid-thigh area.

"HI!" The girl yelled taking a photo quickly with her phone, "I'm Summer Grace Lopez, I live on Bernie Road just down the street. It's an honor to meet you mam," Summer shook my hand hard causing me to stumble over my feet.

"H-hi Summer, it's a pleasure to meet you to," I smiled all nice. Summer was a little on the strange side, but she was definitely adorable. She must've been a freshman because she looked somewhat short. "How old are you?" I asked curiously.

"15, I am a freshman. My sister Chandler went here last year and she says you are like legend here! " Summer said, brushing her blonde locks out of her face. This Summer girl was just too cute, her voice sounded like she was on helium and she was super sweet.

"Oh, well thank you Summer! I hope you find your way around this place, it is really big. If you need any help just gimme' a text!" I smiled handing her a piece of notebook paper with my number on it. Summer squealed and hugged me around my neck.

"Thank you miss! I better go, again, very honored to meet you," Summer sprinted down the hallway her blonde locks bouncing behind her.

I smiled as I continued to open my locker. After I opened my locker, I put my jacket and my lunchbox inside. I fiddled around with decorations as another visitor talked to me, and then another, and even more until the bell finally wrung.


At the end of the morning, I met over fifteen people and I am already tired. I couldn't  wait for the rest of the day. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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