Chapter One

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Crimsons POV

We were born identical, same face, same eyes, same hair, same freckle on our big toe, but something about us is that when we were born we came out with completely different personalities.

I never envied or wanted to be like my sister, Becca, she was beautiful, popular and just flat out, fit in. I honestly had no problem at all being the one left out in the dust and getting picked on. I always hid in the crowd, and I was happy like that. But whenever I entered high school that all changed. I didn't change, every else changed, all my friends left me and started to pick on me and the bullying got worse, I told my mom about it and she just said "Be yourself! You will be sure to find friends who like you if you do just that!" But people aren't like that in high school, people have a stereotype for everyone, if you wear heavy eyeliner one day, you're automatically Goth, if you where glasses, you're automatically a nerd, and if you are stylish, thin and everyone knows you, your popular. So mom, I'm sorry, but being yourself during high school isn't that easy. High school is like an endless game of improv.

It was a Monday, the first day of the new school year. The alarm let out a loud siren in my ear merging into my dream, and waking me up. My eyelids slowly opened, I rubbed the top of my forearm across my face to wake myself up. Today, I didn't get the thrill I usually got on the first day of school. I was usually giddy and don't want to eat breakfast, and today, ehhhh, I don't even want to get out of bed.

Maybe just a few more minutes........................

"CRIMSON! DID YOU TAKE MY NEW BUTTERFLY MASCARA?" Becca came storming through my door awakening me from my 3 second slumber. I groaned, she does this every morning. She loses her makeup and automatically blames me for it. It really irritates me because I don't even wear makeup.

Becca stomped over to my bedside and ripped the comforter off my bed revealing my pink leopard pajamas. I looked up at my obviously upset sister, she looked like me, without glasses, when she doesn't have makeup on, it's actually kind of freaky.

"Becca, I didn't-" My words got interrupted by a raging thought that burst into my mind. I did take her butterfly mascara last night, I was going to try to wear it today so I possibly would look a little better. How am I going to tell my sister, she would tell that I am trying to become popular and might get mad at me.

"Well, heh, Becca, you know your mascara you lost," I continued sitting up from my bed, Becca's eyes widened and she shook her head frantically, "Well, this time, I actually stole, well not really stole, I was going to use it, and I was going to give it back as soon I was done. Please don't be mad," I closed my eyes and waited for a slap to come across my face, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes and noticed a big grin plastered on my sister's face.

"OMG! My sister is trying out makeup for the first time!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Becca squealed bouncing up and down. "I have to text Libby!" Becca started out of the room but I grabbed her hand before she could exit.

"Well, I don't necessarily know how to apply this thing called 'Mascara' ," I did quote gesture as I said "Mascara" for emphasis.

Becca looked happier than she did before, she smiled with pleasure as she replied "Let me help you! I can tell you about the history and the different kinds of mascara too! Heck! I will give you a whole makeover and a step by step tutorial!!!" Becca clutched my wrist and pulled me out of bed and into the bathroom.


"The last step to do is to add your mascara!" Becca yelled clapping her hands in glee, "This step looks easier than it looks, all you have to do is take your brush and brush it along your eyelash like this," Becca said quietly so she could concentrate as she delicately applied the black pigment onto my lashes. "Here! You try," Becca handed me the brush and the tube of the black colored liquid. At that moment I was super happy that I was getting a makeover, so I didn't hesitate at all when she gave me the materials. I dipped the brush into the tube and slowly brought it up to my eye and brushed it softly onto my lashes. Once I finished, I popped the brush back in the tube.

"Great job!" Becca cheered snatching the tube out of my hand. I could not wait to see what I looked like. The last time I put on makeup (which I don't think counts) was when I was two and I got ahold of my mom's makeup bag, which didn't look that good. And now, 14 years later, I was about to see what makeup really looks like on me. I clenched the arms of my rolling chair as Becca turned the chair around to reveal what I looked like.

"Here you are," Becca whispered patting me on my shoulder.

I nearly gasped, I looked like a completely different person! Well, a good completely different person. I wore a light peach lipstick with a dark pink lip liner, a light brushing of blush, mascara and eyeliner. The contrast of the makeup really made my mocha skin pop, I couldn't believe the difference a 10 minute makeup session could do. Instantly, I gained back the thrill of the first day.

"Thank you! I look great!," I grinned as I hugged my sister around the waist. Becca looked satisfied with her results.

"Now go pick something out of my closet to wear while I put on my makeup," Becca pulled me out of my chair and gave me a gentle shove off to her room. I continued to walked the remaining few feet and opened her bedroom door. Becca had the largest bedroom out of our whole family. And it was defiantly the prettiest. The sunshine gleamed through her shutters onto her black and white comforter. Becca had OCD so nothing in her room was out of place and her room was always clean, unlike mine where old clothes and papers flood the floors.

I walked over to her giant walk-in closet and fiddled around with her clothes until I found the perfect outfit. I slid into the garments and looked into the tall mirror that hung over her closet door. I wore black high waisted ripped shorts, a crop button up teal tank top and white high top Converse. I was pleased with my outfit, but I had no idea what to do with my hair. On a normal day I would usually tie it up in a ponytail, but today I thought I would do something different, nothing too fancy but different. I snatched a hair tie and some bobby pins that were neatly organized on my sister's dresser and started to French braid a strip of my hair. I grabbed the rest of my hair and pulled it into a messy bun. Different, cool, I like it!

Becca walked into the room all ready with her hair curled and in her outfit for the day. Becca wore peach skinny jeans, a pearly white crop halter top with lace that hung around the bottom. Her hair was down and caressed her shoulders. She smiled brightly and embraced me in a tight hug.

"You look TOTES ADORBS," Becca squealed with happiness. I rolled my eyes when she used "popular girl" language, it bothers me every time.

"Grammar," I whispered under my breath hoping she wouldn't hear.

"Hmmm?" She asked cocking her head to the side.

"Oh, nothing."


Becca and I scarfed down our breakfast and gathered our school supplies. I swung my backpack over my shoulder and slid my glasses over my temples. I fingered the lone curly piece of hair that laid on the back of my neck as I waited for Becca to finish fixing her hair in the bathroom mirror. I couldn't leave without her because I always failed my driving test and never got my license, but Becca got 100% the first try. Grrrr.

I noticed Becca walk down the hallway, continuously spinning the key ring on her finger in a circle. Here I go, new look new me. After getting ready this morning and looking the way I do now, my self esteem is boosted and the thrill of the first day has never been so high. I could not wait to show my new look to all the kids at school and maybe make new friends, yet I was a little bit nervous because people could think I was trying to mock my sister and they could bully me again this year, maybe even worse. The thrill turned to complete anxiety, my stomach felt all fluttery and I started to subconsciously fiddle my thumbs.

"Ready sis?" Becca asked as she play punched me in the shoulder. I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to tell her I wanted to rip the makeup off my face and grab my Fall Out boy sweatshirt, that would just break her heart. So I decided to bare the pain and deal with possibly becoming the new gossip topic of the school.

"Uh-huh," I said shakily, nodding my head.

Becca giggled and grabbed my wrist to pull me outside and in the car. Becca shoved the key into the ignition switch and we pulled out of the steep driveway and was off to school.

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