Chapter 3

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I reach the apartment, determined and hopeful. Grabbing a backpack from the front hall cupboard, I begin to put things in it. I throw in a full, one-liter water bottle, some food like chips and canned peas and things like that. Then I pack a flashlight, a thin blanket, and just because, I throw in a rope. Finally I put in a sweater. Then I proceed to my bedroom, where I change into skinny cargo pants and a grey t-shirt shirt. I throw a few pairs of underwear into the bag too. I would have a shower before I go, but I just had one this morning and besides, I’m pressed for time. I tie my hair up and brush my teeth, deciding that it is worth it to look all right. Finally I am ready. Standing at the front door I realize that there is no point in leaving a note for Lycia because she will just call the police and blow up my whole plan. Sorry Aunt Lycia but I need to save my sister.

*  *  *  *  *

Standing in front of the 15-foot wall, on the edge of town, after a 30 min cab ride, I begin to worry. This area is deserted because no one has interest in staring at a wall, let alone living near one. As I wonder about how to get through the enormous barrier, I realize that thinking up an extravagant and ridiculous plan is a lot easier than actually executing one. I begin to have second thoughts and almost turn around when I think of Anna. Anna who is out there somewhere hurt of maybe worse. I sigh, shaking my head. No way am I going back. It’s not like I have anything else to lose.

I really should have though this through. I have no way to get through the wall. Smashing it would just break down the whole wall and someone would notice, but that is the only idea I can think of right now. I look around, feeling like all hope is lost and I haven’t even left the city yet, but all of the sudden I think of something. I dig the rope out my bag and tie a loop in it. There is a small post sticking out from the top of the wall with a sign on it. DANGER! CITY BORDER IS HERE reads the sign. I throw the rope up and try to land the loop around the post. No such luck. I try again and this time the loop catches on the sign and slides down around the post. I smile, not being able to contain my excitement. I tie a knot on the bottom of the rope and climb up so I am standing on it. Then I begin to climb, pulling myself up on the rope and walking up the wall with my feet. I slip a few times but pull myself back up so that I am secure again. Finally, I manage to grab hold of the top of the wall and haul myself on top of it. I stay low so that I can’t be seen by officials or passerby’s in the city. I grab the rope off the post and stuff it back in my bag. Now there is the impossible challenge of getting down. I blow out a puff of air. What if I’m stuck up here forever? No, I think. I will get down. Would it be such a bad fall if I dangled from the edge and dropped? Well it is the only chance I have. I climb down so only my palms and fingertips sit on the top of the wall. Then I suck in a deep breath, and let go. As I fall I bend my arms and knees so the fall won’t hurt me too much. Then, as soon as I feel the ground, I make sure to crumble down to absorb the fall. It wasn’t so bad. My leg hurts a bit but it’s just a bruise. I am surprisingly fine and ready to go. Looking around, all I see is a hot, dessert-like wasteland. There are very few trees and they all look lifeless. This place is clearly abandoned and frighteningly lonely, but Anna is out there and I need to get her back. Biting my lip and taking in a big breath, I begin to walk forward, away from everything I know. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2013 ⏰

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