Chapter 2, Rememberence is Pain

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Chapter 2

I walked through the forest, the one we had seen Si run through. Seth kept muttering to himself. "Will you quit that!" He looked at me.

"Sorry. I'm thinking."

"Yes, well, think quietly." I said, turning my attention back to the forest ahead. We walked for a few more minutes in silence until he started muttering again. "Okay, if you can't stop thinking a-loud, could you at least tell me what your thinking?" I asked.

"He deserved to be punched. He tripped her." I rolled my eyes.


"He tripped her!"

"I fail to see how this makes him deserve to be punched..." I said flipping my hair over my shoulder. "That's cause you're a girly-girl." He stated.

"Yea... Having a brother takes the light out of that kinda thing. It's a thankless job, but it's mine.”

I hear something so I shush him. We exchange a glance it sounded like quiet sobbing. Silently we crept towards the noise, the sight was shocking. Si was crouched next to a little boy no more than nine years old comforting him.

“Shh. It's alright I help you. Now where did the puppy go?” She asked him quietly. The little boy sniffled and started walking tugging her hand for her to follow him. Once they were out of sight I look at Seth.

“Awww!” I squeal quietly. We follow them and the boy is pointing to a wolf pup.

“Sweetie, that's not a puppy. It's a baby wolf. They are called pups but they are wild.”

“But but, Lady, it's hurt!” They watch the pup and notice its favoring it's fore leg.

“Russ... I'll help but if we get chased by a pack of wolves, I blame you.” The little boy giggles. Si walks over to the wolf pup and gently scoops it up. I decide to make an appearance.

“Si! There you are we've been so worried! Oh who's this, and why are you holding a wolf pup?”

“You shouldn't have followed me. Russ. I've taken care of wolves before and Russ saw him. Though now that I look at it, it looks more like a fox.” She replies.

The little boy, Russ, nods. “Let's take it home to meet Chaco, Lady!”

“Russ.. I don't know..”

“Please? Please? Please? Please Lady!”

“I guess.” Si, sighs relenting. “Come on Russ, let's you home. What are you even doing out in the woods during the middle of the day?” Si asks, crouching down to the boys level and sweeping hair off his face.

“I wanted to be there when you got out of school. You know, be there so I can help you if you know him comes for you again.” Russ tells her. She shushes him.

“Russ.. That was really sweet of you but-” Seth cuts her off.

“Si.. Is there someone after you?” He asks. Si ignores Seth and continues to talk quietly to the little boy. “Si.” He tries more forcefully. I put a hand on his shoulder. He gives me a scared look and I return it. Si stands up and takes the fox kit from Russ who had been holding it as Si talked. She turns to face us.

“You guys should get back to school. I'm taking him home.” She says giving Russ and sharp glance him as he goes to say something. She turns and starts to walk deeper into the forest, Russ hesitates and looks between us.

“Please... Take care of her. She doesn't have much faith left.. Nice meeting you!” He turns and runs after her. I exchange a glance with Seth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2013 ⏰

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