Chapter 1, Miss Me?

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Chapter 1

“Stop.” I told him.

“Why? I thought we had something.” I backed away from him trying to pull my arm from his grasp.

“No. All you've ever been to me, is a jock who likes to bully others now let me go!”

I shouted. Dyllon pressed my back against the lockers.


“She said let her go.” A male voice said coming towards us. I turn my head slightly. A tall boy with Blond shaggy hair and lighter blond highlights stood there, with a girl next to him. She had the same blond hair as him only her was long and slightly wavy where his was straight. The girl has bright blue green eyes and the boy had golden amber eyes. They walked over to where I was being held against the lockers. The girl reached out and pulled me away from Dyllon. Dyllon started to swing at the girl but the new boy caught his fist. “You don't mess with my sister, and you don't mess with my friends.” He said before shoving Dyllon's fist back, throwing him off balance and onto the floor. Dyllon picked himself up and glared at the new kids, then walked off as they matched his glare with ones of their own.

“Are you alright?” they said simultaneously.

“Why did you do that?” I ask them, still confused as to why they defended me.

“Why shouldn't we have?” The boy asks

“We're all friend right?” The girl says hopefully.

“Uh.. I don't have any friends. No one likes me, if they want to survive.” I turn and walk away. I walk to the girls restroom and stare n the mirror. My pale skin showed of my high cheek and collar bones. My eyes stood out, their silvery gray color staring back at me. My hair hung over my shoulders the white curls showing off the purple. I pull a brush from my bag. My hair was always getting messed up because of how long it was. The door opens as I put my brush in my bag. It was the girl from earlier.

“May I?” She asks. I furrow my brow as she steps towards me. “You hair is a lovely color. How did you get it like this?” She asks as she starts to braid it.

“I was born with white hair. I just dyed in the purple.”

“I'm River by the way. River Woods.” She says, while continuing to fishtail my hair. I blink, why did that name sound so familiar. “Do you have a name?” She asks raising an eyebrow at me through the mirror.

“Sionnach.” I say quietly.

“Pretty, but to long. How about Si? You know S-I but pronounced like the action?” She says snapping a band around the wrist width bottom of the braid. I nod.

“Thank you.”

“Oh no problem I love braiding. I wish my brother would let me braid his hair then I cou-”

“No. Thank you for helping me.” I pull the braid over my shoulder and examine it, not a strand was out of place, it was amazing. “The braid is incredible though.”

“Eh, it could be better if I had more time, but we need to compare schedules and get to class.” River says pulling me from the bathroom.

“All good?” I jump as the boy from earlier walks out from behind the lockers.

“Yes Seth. My gosh.” River turns and looks at me. “Brothers. So annoying. Am I right?”

“I wouldn't know.” I say looking down. “All of my family is dead.”

“What? How? When did that happen?” River yelps, Seth gives her a strange look. As do I.

“It happened a while back. But don't worry it doesn't affect me.” I say.

“Why do you wear all black? It's almost a hundred degrees outside.” Seth asks suddenly. I blink, these people don't get that I'm a loner. “Are you like emo or goth or something? Are you depressed?”

I scowl at him and he flinches. “No. No. And no. It's a good color. Helps me stay hidden.”

“Hidden?” They both ask. I nod.

“You'll see.”


I walked out of the classroom, to the cafeteria. “Si!” I turn and jump out of the way Barely avoiding Seth. “Whats up?” I shrug. Seth looks around at everyone whispering. He leans down to my level. “What's their problem?” I arch an eyebrow did he really not know?

“No one talks to me. If they don't bother me, I don't bother them.” I say.

“Si!” River yells jumping onto Seth's back. He grunts a bit.

Peoples jaws started to drop. I sigh. “Let's get to lunch guys.” I say walking again. We get our lunch and as we're walking to the table I usually sit at, Dyllon decides to get even. He sticks his foot out and I don't see it, therefor tripping over it. The tray I carried flies out of my arms and hits the ground and I thought I was going to until arms wrap around my waist and yank me back up. I regain my balance and look up at Seth, who unlike his sister was extremely tall. His sister was about my height. I step away from him and look down. Until I hear a sickening crack. I look up and see Seth pulling his fist away from Dyllon's face. River comes over and puts a hand on my shoulder while glaring at Dyllon and the rest of the popular clique. Seth turns around and starts to walk over to us when Dyllon gets up and lunges at Seth's back. I jump past Seth and intercept Dyllon flipping him back. He slams against the table. I shake my fist out then turn and walk away. I walk past Seth and River, out of the cafeteria and out of the school.

A few miles into the forest I climbed a tree and leaned my against the bark.  I thought back to day when things were simpler before the... Accident. I was alone again, Seth and River probably hate me, or are afraid. But I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for... Never mind


A/N Everiss here! Sorry about any mistakes, not edited.  Picture of River on side --- Seth's pic will be in the next chapter!

 Song of the chapter, Because of You By Kelly Clarkson.

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