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A smile smiled tugged on the little girls pink lips. Wisps of her light, blond hair blew around her face as a boy across the park smiled back. Tucking a stand of hair behind her small ear, she took off running after one of her friends. Her chubby legs carried her to the steps of the playground as the boy watched her closely.

Climbing up them, she raced down the vibrant, red slide. Laughing as another small girl with brown hair and green eyes ran from her, she let a cheerful squeal escape from her lips. Grasping the monkey bars suspended above her, she began to climb across them courageously.

As her palms started to burn, her small, sausage fingers lost their grip. She fell from the bars and was left on the sand that was still wet from the rain that the morning had brought. Tears spilled onto her cheeks as she sat up. The dark haired, male child ran towards her. When he reached her, he outstretched his hand in an offering of assistance.

"You okay?" he asked as she took it.

He helped her to her feet as she brushed the sand off her white shorts and pink tee shirt.


"My name is Lincoln," he said as his bue eyes sparkled excitedly  in the dim sunlight.

"I'm Erika," she replied, smiling. 

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