Chapter Five

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"How are you feeling?" Asked the man, still towering over Rain's hunched body. Rain looked at the mysterious man, unsure whether to trust him, or to run away. His watery blue eyes looked innocent, and oddly comforting, and Rain was desperate for a friend. She spilled everything to the man. She thought that by telling him, she'd feel better, but she felt worse; as if her conscious wanted to punish her for being so naive. The man looked strangely upset, and he balled his fists in anger, a motion that Rain didn't understand. He quickly calmed down, though and smiled gently at Rain.

"Rain," The man said in a soothing voice that reminded Rain of melted butter. "I know that what you're feeling is different, but I have to ask you to hold on for me. You are sick, which means that your body isn't behaving the way it's supposed to. I will fix it, but it may take me a couple days. I am sure that your friends have already forgiven you." Everything that he said seemed to make perfect sense to Rain and she calmed down a little. Just a sickness, whatever that was. It will go away. She repeated that over and over to herself, but for some reason, the feeling didn't go away. In fact, it increased every time she thought more about it. Suddenly, the man looked up sharply. Rain turned to where the man was looking, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. She looked back at the man, who seemed as if he was listening to somebody talking who wasn't there. He nodded to the air, then seemed to snap out of it and face Rain.

"I will try my best to fix your sickness, but for now just pretend that everything is fine. You don't want to hurt your friends more than they have already been hurt." With that, the man walked behind a nearby house. Rain peered around it, curiously, but the man was nowhere in sight. He had completely disappeared. For some odd reason, the strangeness of it all comforted her. At least she still had something that made sense. The fact that nothing was making sense. She giggled at the confusing thought, feeling slightly lightheaded from all of the liquid that had dripped from her eyes. She picked herself off of the ground, her head spinning from the quick movement. She stumbled a bit, straightened and began to walk off to her palace, that seemed to be very far off on the distance. 

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