Chapter Two

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"It's beautiful. Absolutely magnificent," came the voice of a tall man, as he stood on a large observation deck. He sighed contently and turned to face a crowd of 20 or so people, standing in front of him with large, expecting eyes.

"Yes," he said, "Yes, we did it, ladies and gentlemen. I did it!" The crowd of people broke out into applause, knowing that they had done most of the work, but also knowing that the man would fire them instantly if they didn't always agree with him. The man turned back to face the sight that had made him so proud. It was a huge room. Bigger than anything that had ever been built before, and stretching so far in each direction, that little pods lined the walls and floors to transport people to where they wanted to go. The observation deck was in the very center of the giant room and it was filled with screens, viewing each section of the room. As for the contents of the room, as far as the eye could see, and farther, stood lines and lines of coffin-like blue boxes. They stretched up to the very top of the ceiling, a whole 20 stories high, and stood in rows with only a small passage in the middle for the pods to travel to them. Rickety ladders stood at the base of each wall of boxes and traveled to the very top, swaying slightly. Though the ladders were there, they didn't seem to be very useful, as they looked as if they could break any second. A single tear rolled down the man's face, making his baby blue eyes sparkle. He was a handsome man, but decades of working made him look well beyond his years. Only 40 years old, he looked as if he were at least in his late 50s. He turned again to face the crowd.

"Now, my friends. For the first time in 30 years, we can rest." That statement was cut short as a large cracking sound filled the air. The man swore loudly as the silhouettes of people dropped through the newly cut hole in the ceiling.

"Prepare for battle, my friends!" The man yelled. "The Team is here!"

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