My Halloween Story....

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heey guys :)

i thought i'd do something different for Halloween today. I was in the car and just thought of it. So enjoy, and I might put on part2 tomorrow ;).


I sat, looking out of my window at the garden below. I watched as my sister, Caitlyn playfully hit the arm of one of the most important twenty-something year olds in my world. Caitlyn had been dating Lord Henry Powder's twenty two-year-old son, Jase for just over a year. Boy, they were some couple. Jase usually liked to stay over at our manor house, and it was really hard to sleep when I had the room next to Caitlyn. Let's just say, the walls are thin.

I turned back to see my two-month old niece pick up a wooden stick that looked strangely like...

"No!" I screamed, lunging towards Chenise. Grabbing the wand from her hand, I scolded, "Chenise, you've been told already! No playing with Auntie's wand!"

Silly, silly child. She'd have to wait until she became a teenager before she was allowed to get a wand! Chenise was my oldest sister Jane's first born child. There was much controversy over the fact that Jane wasn't married to Chenise's father. In fact, Jane was the only person in the family who knew who the father was! This wasn't 'proper social etiquette' for the Harley family.

It was really hard being a Harley, and I understood why Jane did what she did. She wanted to rebel. Having twelve brothers and sisters did make you seem a little bit ignored. Especially when the only attention went towards the eldest brother.

Trevor was a stuck up, arrogant arse-wipe that needed a kick up the backside. He was a man-whore, just because he could get away with it. The family would cover it up with money, bribes and blackmail if any of Trevor's 'lady friends' suddenly stopped coming round to the manor. This was due to the fact they were knocked up.

Trevor was seen, for some strange reason, as a sex-god. Couldn't tell you why. He had horrid black hair with blonde streaks throughout it. Too emo for my liking, to be frank. I had to admit though; he had a good body. I know it sounds wrong, cause he's my brother, but he had a, like, eight pack! think this, and his spot-less face, made him seem good looking to other girls. Though it was only the girls he liked that seemed interested. It was almost like... magic.

As you might have guessed, the Harley family was a family of magic. Another one of the most important families (along with Jase's family) in our world. Our world was one of magic and mysteries. Sort of like Harry Potter. JK Rowling got a few things right in those books of hers. Except Voldemort - God, what a boring character! I laughed when I read the last book. It so didn't work like that.

Yes, we had the chance to go to a school of magic, but it wasn't compulsory. But most teenage wizards and witches did, as they wanted to be with others who 'understood' them and they were more likely to be accepted. Well, that was bull. I decided to go to a mortal school - not Muggle, mortal. This was mainly because if I went to a magic school, I'd be flocked with people who wanted to hang out with me because of my heritage, not my personality. At a mortal school I wasn't from an amazingly important family.

Unfortunately, this meant magic studies at school. It wasn't that bad, but it made the day drag. This was due to the fact that to fit everything in, my tutor and myself had to freeze time to get everything done and so I could do my homework for school too! I had a hectic life.

I sighed and walked over to the full-length mirror in my room. I studied my brown hair, reaching just below my shoulders. The green extensions were always in my hair, and I doubted that anyone thought they were just clip-in things from Claire's. My face was free of any blemishes - everyone from my world had clear complexions (what was the point of having the power to rid yourself of them and not using that amazing power?!). My eyes were also green, which is why I picked that colour for my extensions. I wore a lot of green. Like today, I was wearing a black dress, green tights and black plimsoles. Damn, I looked good.

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