Chapter One: You've Got Cancer

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who ever suffered from cancer, or any other illness of ANY kind...even if

Chapter One - Sophie

A lot changes the day you find out you're dying. It's funny, how those three little words changed my world forever.




And now I'll never be the same again.


I wring my hands nervously. My heart thuds against loudly.

I can hardly breathe, waiting for the results of my MRI scan.

"You okay, sweetie?" Trish asks, concerned.

I smile at her bravely. "Yeah," I lie, "I'm okay."

She smiles back, but she doesn't believe that, not for a minute. She's always been able to see right through me.

"Patricia Lees?" a nurse calls from the reception.

Trish turns to me. "Wait right here," she says. "I won't be a minute."

She hurries over to the nurse, who leads her into an office just next to reception. I feel sick, oh God, I feel so sick.

What'll happen if I have cancer? There are so many things I still want to do...pass my GCSEs, finish school, fall in love, learn to drive, get a car, get married. So many things. I don't want the opportunity to do that to be taken away from me.

And what if people start treating me differently? Every little thing they do around me laced with pity? I don't want that, either. I've always hated pity. I already get enough from my parents being divorced. I don't need pity.

Empathy, maybe, but not pity.

I wonder how Livi and Mark will react when I tell them. Livi. We've been best friends since nursery. I remember the day we met fondly.

"Why do you never play with the rest of us?" she asks curiously.

A little blond girl with long French plaits. Her green eyes sparkled curiously.

I shrug.

"Don't you want to?"

Another shrug.

"You'll have to answer me, you know." She takes me hand firmly in hers. "Come on, it will be fun."

Finally, I reply. "Promise?"

"Yeah! Promise!"

The corners of my lips tug upwards as I involuntarily smile. I don't want to lose my friendship with her. Or Mark. I met him in Brownies.

Everyone has a partner except me. I hate Brownies. I told Mammy I didn't want to come but she made me. Why? I can feel a burning feeling in my throat. I think I'm going to cry. I don't want to cry! They'll call me a baby!

I wish Livi was here. She'd know what to do.

There's one boy there on his own. Ask him, Sophie! Just ask him! You can't always be so shy!

I wander over to the little redhead who looks lost and alone.

Pretend you're Livi. Go on!

"Do you want to be partners?" I ask, as if casually, when in actual fact my heart is beating so fast!

"Um, okay," the boy mumbles.

I smile. This is easy. "I'm Sophie," I say.


I wait expectantly, but he says nothing. "Aren't you going to tell me your name?"


He was shyer than me back then. I remember my strange little burst of confidence. I wish I was always as outgoing as Livi. But I wasn't. Mark got over his shyness, but I still have it.

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