Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Mason's point of view

June 21st is when my world came crashing down, the love of my life is in a fucking coma because of me.

Today is the six month of my Princess being in a coma. It is now December 21, Christmas is in four days.

I have not left her side once, I take a shower staring at her with the door wide open. When I do eat, I don't take my eyes off of her.

Most of her injuries are not healing because her body has shut down. She saved us, the dialysis cleaned out our blood system of whatever that dead bastard put into us. It helped us allow our wolves to heal us and recover in less than minutes. That's how I was able to reach her just in time and get that sick man away from her.

He killed my grandparents, I killed his mate. We were attacking his pack and just so happen she was there and I went in for the kill. Ripping her throat out with my mouth then crushing it into the house they lived in was so satisfying. The man had no heart anyways, and that's just how his mate was. She was cold and heartless. She killed her own children for being annoying. She killed innocent people for just looking at her the wrong way. I did a good deed for the world by killing her. Same as her sick mate. Though, I do regret a couple of things, like not torturing them. Bringing them so close to death, then revive them and bring them back to the edge of death until they beg to die, but I wouldn't grant their wish.

I learned the day he dragged her into his office and tried to rape her, was the day after my birthday, I was locked up because I couldn't control my lust for Grace. Once he knew for sure I was Grace's mate, he wanted to take her innocence then kill her, all to get me back.

I value her purity greatly. One because it means no one has ever touched her. Two, I get to be the one to teach and guide her through everything. Three, she deserves the best first time. Four, it's just a moral thing that werewolves have, though we have strayed away from it greatly.

I wonder why she never told me he did that? I need her to come back to me. I haven't slept a full night in six months. The doctors, my parents, and others are saying I'm killing myself by not eating properly and not sleeping. Though they understand, James along with my Dad are running the pack because I can't at the moment. I wait and wait, waiting for her beautiful brown eyes to look into mine and smile and laugh.

Christmas eve has approached, because I don't know when day turns into night. Grace has gotten so many flowers, cards, balloons, gifts, and anything you could think of from over a million people, and I'm not lying. The President came in and wanted to speak to me about what happened and I told him, he gave a speech about Grace one day, and presented her with some award for being brave. She saved my friends and my life, with a duffel bag of supplies, oxygen tanks, and some boards. She has been on the news, people around the world are praying for her and it's just amazing. But the prayers aren't being answered. The preachers that come in must be fake because nothing is helping.

"Ahhh" Grace screams.

I jump up and go next to her, I brush her hair with my hands, and whisper soothing things into her ear. The doctors and nurses rush in along with my mom and dad. The Physicians try to ease the pain and check her wounds.

She groans, and flinches from every touch. I growl at the Doctors for hurting her more, but I know they mean only the best.

They leave saying they will run some test later.

She keeps her eyes closed and takes deep breathes of the oxygen in.

"Be careful you had surgery on your lungs," I tell her while brushing her hair back. I brushed it everyday because it's a good pass time and I get to take care of her, it made my wolf happy that I could groom her kind of like.

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