Chapter Seven

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Grace's point of view

I felt a strong pair of hands grab my hips while I was dancing, and sparks started to fly, and the tingles erupted and like every other time I immediately knew who it was, Mason.

I am scared for what he is going to say, but it has to be something good because he is dancing with me or maybe he wants to let me down easy.

"You see what you do to me?" He told me huskily, pulling me closer to him. Once I was pressed against him I moaned loudly, I felt his hard member, but thank goodness no one could hear me through the music. He leaned over and whispered in my ear,

"You see I have felt the same way since I was ten, I started to fall in love with you by seventh grade and from then on I have been in love with you. I can't see how you didn't see it, I turned down every girl that threw themselves on me. I struggle a little more with my love towards you, because you know I am possessive and your mine and no one else's. I am the only one who can bring you to your knees in pleasure and you know this. I love you more than what you can imagine. And you don't know how glad I am that you feel the same."

I already knew how possessive he could get and how he acts that way towards me all the time. It can get bothersome as I don't get his approval of my friends all the time, but I understand his need for me to be happy. I know he does it because he loves me. With that I feel something swell inside of me, remembering how he admitted his love with so much passion, pride, and most of all love. His voice sent shivers to my core because he was speaking so deep and slow, it made me want to just jump him. Well maybe another day.

I turned around smiled and started dancing with him but he had different intentions, he grabbed my hips pulled me close once again and smashed his lips on mine.

Oh gosh why is he kissing, I can't do this, do I move my lips? I guess so, I start to move my lips, and I guess he likes it because he grabs me tighter, that's definitely leaving a bruise. Everything seems to disappear at this moment, because I can't hear the music, or I can't see anything. Well duh your eyes are closed. He licked my lips gently as if he wanted to taste my lips, his groan vibrated my boding making every nerve ending feel alive as he moves his hands to my ass and bites my lip all at once to make me gasp. Having his tongue in my mouth made for everything to seem weird as I discovered maybe that was the reason he licked my lips. It didn't feel bad as his tongue gently stroked mine. He definitely knows what he is doing and trying to keep up was getting harder by the second, his hands had gripped the side of my head, his fingers laced through me hair as he held me in place. The sound of fireworks kept playing in my head as if a scene from a movie, wait fireworks? As soon as I realize it is people clapping, I question how long have we been kissing, and I pull away to look at him with a shock and daze expression, while he is wearing his signature smirk.

With my hips still in his hands, and people are still clapping and cheering, I push him away, and make a run for it to my bedroom as I can lock the door. I hear him calling my name but I try to block it out. I run harder and when I get close to my room he is hot on my trail and he yanks me back, picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Put me down," I whisper yell.

"Why are you whispering?" He asked amused.

He walked the short distance to my room and threw me on the bed, and turned around to lock the door. I took this time to straighten my dress.

"I love you so much," he said with a ear to ear grin. I didn't respond, because what am I supposed to say.

"Look, sorry I kissed you I couldn't hold it back any longer I have been wanting to do it since..."

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