a few facts

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This story is about the Unseen Oracle and a few other major portal characters, but one of my reasons for writing this story is because I am related to someone who worked on the portal games. The unseen oracle is an Easter egg that can be found near the turret redemption line that is known to older players as the oracle turret. I actually think the Oracle Turret is pretty cool. I also like anything to do with the turrets so if somebody wants to guess at who plays the voice of a certain character who is part of a particular when life gives you lemons... burn life's house down with the combustible lemons your engineers have created, feel free to guess away. And I will know if you used the internet because it is impossible unless you know the person who is speaking and have heard the voice in a movie, or maybe it is in the credits I don't remember. If I get a few pieces out of order, I am sorry, I have not played portal in a while but hopefully I will soon.

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