Savior ~ Chapter Two ~ Lunch Break

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~ A/N This chapter is going to be ?relatively? shorter.

And btw I know Alex wouldnt still have pain in his legs, I just wanted to keep it like that for plots sake.

I published chapter two a couple days ago when it had like... 300 words. Then I wrote a second chapter whoch was like 500 words so i combined them to make this mess. Sorry if u read that other chapter and got disappointed (cough cough punk-prince ) ~

The bell rang, signaling the end of my hellishly boring Maths class and the start of the school-round beloved Lunch Break. All of the students jumped up out of the seats and practically ran out of the class. I, of course, did the same, but had immediate consequence. Pain shot threw my legs, causing me to sit back down on instinct, I semi-quietly groaned out of pain. The sound of highheels rushing toward me and a very feminine voice made me turn around, "Oh my gosh, 'Lex, are you okay?" It was Gigi, my 'popular' friend as some people would call her.

"I'm fine, just help me up." She set her pink binder on the desk next to mine and helped me up, I have to admit it she was plenty strong. "Thanks..." I collected my stuff, so did she, and we walked out of the class together.

"You need to go to a doctor, Lexi, you could have.. leg cancer or something!" she over dramatized. My eyes rolled at both her over-dramatic personality and my nickname. We made our ways to our lockers, which were near each other. "I do not have leg cancer, Gi..." I assured her, a bit too concentrated on my locker combination.

She opened her locker quickly and practically threw her binder into her locker, "C'mon..." She sounded slightly disappointed in me, which saddened me.

Idiotically, I continued to disappoint her, "Actually, I'm going to spend lunch again out by the mall." She looked at me like she was missing out, "Listen, your friends don't even like me..." I tried to reassure her.

Gigi's eyes widened, "They do! And even if they don't: I don't care, you're still my friend!" She tried to grab at my hands but I started to walk away to my car. "Sorry, Gi." I semi waved at her, feeling bad for dissing her like that.

She chased after me, "I'm coming with you, Lexi." I cringed at my nickname.



Gigi and I walked through the mall, trash talking those who pass us via whisper, "That girl over there is so emo that she just remind me of you, 'Lex." Gigi giggled as we passed an unsuspecting girl. This was the core of our friendship, bashing randos who walk by us or trying to figure of their extravagant life story just by their appearance. "Gi, I'm not emo." I inform her. She chuckles.

She motions to a girl in the food court, "Do you see that girl with the silver hair?" I look around the food court nonchalantly, I spot a girl with bright silver hair, who was about no older than we were, "Yep." We stop by the food court to hopefully, trash talk some random people.

Gigi takes a deep breath before she speedily predicts this woman's life,"I bet her life is seriously fucked up right now. Like... her life feels like it's being fucked up the ass... literally, actually. She goes to a lot of parties and gets so hammered that she decides that a good ass fuckin' would make a great weekend. So, she goes up to some douche-canoes and proposes, "Here he here he, I declare that we all have an orgy, for it would be marvelous!" Of course, these Jersey Shore-lookin' douchebags graciously accept her offer. Afterwards, of course, she's not satisfied so the next day she goes to a different party, which she may or may not have been invited to, and she doesn't even bother to get drunk! She just goes up to some dude and respectfully explains the situation. She asks him if he's down and, of course, he's up for it. They rush over to his place, mind you it's only like six o'clock in the evening, and they buttfuck for about ten minutes. Not even ten minutes because this guy is shabby as hell then she fucking leaves his place without a word because she's disappointed as hell but she don't wanna be rude or lie so she just leaves." She pauses for a second to smile at her prediction and take a breath, "And trust me, this girl is not a whore or hoe, she is the most repectable woman you'd trust with a baby. Like, I respect this bitch, I would never let a penis near my ass, she has true bravery." Smiled in pride of her prediction, which turned a few heads.

"That was truly amazing, Gi." I congratulated her.

"Oh, but I'm not done, Lexi." I yet again cringed at my name.

"Like.. a week after she left that guy's place she gets like a random ass text message that says,"Hey" and the contact is like some weird weird combination of emojis so she's like "Uhm wtf who are you?" The guy doesn't reply for three hours but it says that he read it as soon as she sent it. Finally he responds,"Your favourite person." Then, of course she's all like,"No seriously, creep." After that he says his name and they have an awkward conversation. She's obviously not into him but he keeps trying to come onto her. She gives up on trying to get this guyto fuck off and goes on some date with him. They end up going on three dates and then the guy cheats on her and she gets pretty pissed. They break up and then the whole thing repeats, becoming a cycle."

She went to sit down in the food court, looking simply satisfied. I followed her, like I always do.

"You should go get us food." She said after we both sat down. She handed me her sparkly wallet and looked at me contently. "I thought you didn't want food?" I said, hesitantly taking the wallet. "I want me some greasy motherfucking fries, Lexi." She said comedically, yet also seriously. I laughed,"Alright, alright." I quickly walked over to the built in McDonalds and got some cheap-ass fries. My faded purple hair turned some heads as I made my way back to Gigi, "Did you know that people are judgmental as fuck?" She laughed as if she knew exactly what I was talking about, "Yep."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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