Savior ~ Chapter One ~ Rip Up My Ripped Jeans

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I decided to just give up on sleep, like I usually do. I rolled over on my bed to look at my alarm clock: 4:20AM. I giggled at this childishly, "Blaze it." I whispered. I sat up in my bed and looked around my dark room. It was a small room, and my dirty clothes thrown around didn't help the look. I stood up and fell back down to my bed due to pain in my legs, "Ahh!" I cried out. I stumbled over to the light switch on my wall and turned it on.

There were clothes scattered over the floor accompanied by books, papers, ect. I looked over to the cage in the corner of my room. It was my pet chinchilla, Louis, pronounced Louie. He was jumping around his cage in pure glee, he was happy see me awake. I stumbled over to his cage and smiled, "Hey, buddy!" I kneeled down, which hurt, to open his cage door and let him roam free in my room for the night. He hopped out of the cage and i got out his toys so he can play with something. I looked around my room, looking for something to occupy myself with for about three hours. I turned to my laptop and dismissed it, I refused to give myself to Tumblr yet again. I then spotted my acoustic guitar, which was leaned on my closet door. I walked over to the guitar, now ignoring the sharp pain in my legs. I walked over to it and picked up the instrument. I took it and sat back down on my bed, noticing the very small bite marks on the wood. I looked at Louis, who was using my bedroom as parkour,"Did you chew on my guitar, Lou?" I asked him, knowing he wouldn't respond. I smiled at how much fun he was having and started strumming the guitar strings. I attempted to play a chord, but failed, which was ridiculous, because chords may just be the easiest things to play. I reattempted to play the chords and succeeded, which delivered a smile to my face. I thought for a second, trying to remember the chords of the song I learned a week prior: Diet Soda Society by The Maine. I started humming along with my strumming. Eventually the humming broke into me actually singing. I got louder and louder without me even noticing, I got interrupted by the door opening. I jumped up and looked at the door, almost using my guitar as a weapon. A small figure shyly emerged from behind the door, "A-alex...?" The voice was timid, obviously scared, and very familiar. The voice belonged to my foster brother, Daeven. He was only about five, but was pretty tall for his age, also very mature yet scared of the world.  I placed down my guitar so he wouldn't be alarmed.

Daeven was obviously terrified, and looked like he was crying.  "It's me, Daeven." I said, trying to ease his nerves. He less-shyly walked into the room and closed the door quickly, making sure Louis doesn't escape into the house. "A-alex.. I'm sorry I interrupted you..." he pauses to walk over to me, I stand up and hug him, "I can't sleep... I thought some burglar was in your room... I thought you were going to die.." He sniffled into my chest, trying to stop crying. My face filled with sympathy, "I'm so sorry, Daeven!" He backed away from the hug and kneeled down to play with Louis, "You're good at playing the guitar, Alex." he complimented, I could tell he was calmer, "Can you play more?" He looked away from Louis to glance at the guitar. "Ah.. Sure." I picked up the guitar again and started strumming the same song. Daeven watched me in almost wonder, "I want to learn how to do that, Alex." I smiled, "It's not that difficult, I could try to teach you tomorrow after school if you'd like." he smiled almost instantaneously. "I'd love that, Alex!" he paused to hug me, "Thank you." I hugged him, "You should get some sleep, okay?" He nodded at me and sat on my bed, "Can I sleep here? There's a monster in my closet." I tried not to chuckle, "Sure." He laid down and pulled the covers over himself, he was an obvious blanket hogger. I started to strum lightly on my guitar and hum, yet again I eventually started to sing, but very lightly.

I stopped after a while and leaned my guitar on the wall. I looked at Louis, still roaming around my room. "C'mon, Louis." I picked him up and placed him in his cage, then closed the door. I strolled to the door of my room and noticed the slight pain in my legs diminishing. I wandered down the stairs and into the living room. I refrained from turned on the light switch so none of my other foster brothers and sisters wake up. I found the TV remote and switched on the television, plopping myself onto the leather couch. I flipped through the channels of boring tv shows and eventually fell asleep on the couch with the tv on.

Savior ~ Jalex Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now