Chapter 4 - The 9th planet

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The planet seems to shine even though it's black, and the golden trim sparkled so brightly that I could see it from millions of miles away.  I look back to Trez. " you discovered a new planet!" He smiles back at me.
" I didn't discover it". I get confused. " I made it" what! How...made?
He pulls the engines and lands the ship. James starts gathering our belongings while I cannot stop looking at the new planet. Trez pulls my arm and lightly shoves me to the door.

" Stop giving my planet the eye." I didn't realize I was starring.

He opens the door and there it is.....his new planet. As I lay my foot on the ground, my feet stand on black colored soil. It feels much cooler then the soil on Mercury was. Suprisingly, I'm able to breath completely fine and the sky is one on the most amazing things I have ever seen. You can see the universe in it. Every star, every planet is in front of you and that makes it even harder to take my eyes off of it. Gold lights run through the whole ground, and it seems like there small capsules being transported through them. James takes out a small device from his pocket and clicks a button, as soon as he does a metallic square piece reveals itself to us from under the soil. Trez gets in first, then me, and then James. The  transportation lifts up and starts moving. It gave a kind of Aladdin vibe. There are golden crystals sticking out of the mountains we pass. Everything seems so colorless. Then in a distance we see it, a beautiful city. All of it is gold buildings, black pavement. It seemed so beautiful.

" Catherine, I've called you here because I need a volunteer. A volunteer who can see differently from any other person in this universe. And since I'm unable to control you, your perfect for this job."
He knows! How did he find out!

" The meeting held yesterday was different, I let everyone speak their minds. But they all had been controlled that they couldn't, but you did. I won't lie, controlling is a whole lot of fun, but I needed someone else for this job." He smiles

"What job are we talking about?" I ask worried.

" I need you to be my advisor. A person who can say their own thought, and help me out in decisions. I hate to loose control over people, so you Catherine are the only person in this universe who can speak their mind." Only...

Trez is the most heartless, stone cold person in the universe. Me, Catherine, an average his advisor. I can't even advise myself to what's right and wrong.

" your majesty, I don't think I'm completely qualified for this job. What if I make a mistake and everything goes wrong. I-I personally advise you to find another advisor. Please."

" I don't take no for an answer, you came all the way here, and seen this planet. You said yes back at Mercury. Now you'll have no choice but to work for me, you know too much."

" but-" I resist.

He puts his hand up and gives me the official sign of shut up. So I worriedly shut up. 
The magic carpet machine, yes that's what I'll call it, drives us into the city. There a dome shaped building we enter. The building itself was extremely large. We arrive into the middle of the dome which has a roof of glass, finally we get off. I follow James and Trez. There aren't much people here and the only other person I saw didn't dare to look our way. James opens the door to a room called the nucleus, I'm guessing it's the main room because of the name.  James place our bags into the room and leaves locking the room from the outside. I turn around to Trez who's back is to me.

" Catherine, I need to know if I'm able to trust you or not."

I look up. " I don't know if I can trust myself or not at the moment."

" very well, we will be spending a lot of time together Catherine, I only have one rule."

" which is?" I ask.

" You will do everything I say."

" well, standing in the situation I see why you would say that. Your majesty." I step closer.

" If you want me to trust you, that's a really bad way to do it. You cannot possibly control me, and if you do, well let's just say it won't be pretty." He smirks.

" I see your point. Alright, you have your freedom. But the moment I hear you have done something you shouldn't have. I'll treat you like every other human in this universe."

" Alright." He says.
" now come along, I have a few things to show you." He says opening another door in the room.

I follow him inside and the room itself is quite small. It's all black with a round glass table in the middle of the room. He gestures his hand over it and holograms come up. It's the solar system, I can instantly point out all the planets I know of, including Planet X now. But there's one more planet that's there which confuses me.

" I'm sure you know already that this is our solar system. Your first part of this job is to understand my personal matters, the laws matters, and also the things happening in our universe at the moment." I nod to let him know I'm listening. " Now, the other planet in this presentation is AURA. It's also a new planet." How many does Trez have!

" This part of your work is only to learn about our universe. There are two more planets that only you, me, James, and Anthony know of."

" who's Anthony?" I ask.

" I rather not explain that to you right now. I have to finish this and go do much much more important work. So I prefer you just observe and ask your stupid questions when I have time."
Ouch, that hurt...

" um, ok sorry." Jerk.

" Our solar system opens to many more galaxies I yet have to conquer. There are a total of twenty seven. Now my next few years will focus on cl hurting these and nothing else. You can go through each planet properly yourself."  He looks at his phone.

" I'll get going, so until I'm back don't try to destroy anything."

He opens the door and leaves the room.
Trez seems so, different. He acts like an ass but I still remember him carrying me inside the ship after he drugged me. I mean atleast he felt bad for drugging me that he carried me himself. He cared enough i mean. He's better then my parents. He acts like an ass from the beginning so I don't feel bad afterward. I turn to the holograms and start going through files, I mean he did say that I should get to know them. I look at the new planet first AURA. The planet is all silver. He has a thing with Metallics for sure now. The planet consists of a lot of water but the sky isn't the same as I've heard earth is, which makes it look transparent. Nobody lives on it yet, and the planet was built twenty five years ago. Twenty five......that's when I was born.

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